Wednesday, April 16, 2014



Yup ! Its my first semester break now ! Since last 5hb till June ! 2 MONTHS ! WEEEEE ~! 

Too long ? Well UiTM standard ah. Though thats why kitorang graduate lambat compared to IPTSs. But time flies so fast. Liplapliplap daaaaahhh esok nak masuk sem 2. NOOOOOO ~!!!  

Anyway. What to do ? So here're my wish lists or plans during this sem break. 


Honestly yeah. Its reaaaallyy embarrassing to go out even nak pergi Pekan Semenyih tu. With this problematic face haha. Apatah lagi nak hadap members. Sangatsangat low esteem dah aku. My mom kata ''Takde hidung ke nak malu ?'' HAHA 

But alhamdulillah. My acne skin is getting better. So for now I kena buat rawatan intensif for my face ! In Shaa Allah target naik sem 2 nanti muka dah bersih lagi banyak. Please. Do pray for me SOBS 

In Shaa Allah one day if my skin has recovered. I'll make a post about it. What did I do. What product did I use. What kind of treatment that I did.


Sadly last week dah kemaskemas bilik punya bersihbersih punya. Dah siap tu I baru teringat. I didnt snapped the before pic of the room yet ! Takkan nak sepahkan balik, take a snap and kemas balik ? 

So if sooner or later I wanna make a post about it. I cant show you the before pic. Oh well. That would be better. Trust me. You dont wanna see it !

Last week I just kemaskemas je. Takde decorate hardcore sangat pun. Banyak la harta karun jumpa. But wow. It looks a lot more spacious than before ! My plan is to cat bilik, pasang langsir baru and get a new cadar katil and sarung bantal. Its gonna be awesome ! I hope.


My biggest problem in shopping for clothes and apparel is searching shoes that fit my size perfectly ! Saiz 12-13 / 48-49 ! Anyone pernah jumpa ? Please tell me !

Kalau ada pun kasut kulit pergi kerja tu. I'm 19 baru meh. Nak la style sikit kan haha. Kalau ada pun. Susah nak cari. Tempah kasut ? Mahal sangat. Beratusratus for just a pair of shoes yang letak bawah kaki, pakai harihari pakai which gonna make it less special and lagi cepat kotor and I dont even know how long will it last. 

The high price might means that its high quality. But still cant fully guaranteed whether it could last long or not. Some does but some doesnt. 

So I think. Rather than buy a pair of shoes yang beratusratus. Why dont I make one ? 

Buy a white sneakers yang available kat kedai pakaian sekolah tu. Hopefully ada la saiz 12-13. Buy some Sharpies. DESIGN EM ~ I can get 2-3 pairs under a hundred ! I guess. 

Ni kalau orang jual sepasang ni mampu cecah RM50. Kalau gigih boleh la design banyakbanyak and jual HEEEE Just hope that my artsy skills still power ECEEEEHH


Ni optional. Kalau rajin buat lah. Just need a cheap white blank shirt and pen Sharpie. Woah suddenly it feels so exciting haha.

Most baju yang aku jumpa. Memang cun. But sometimes mesti ada a design or corak yang mencacatkan the whole baju. So better buat sendiri kan ? My taste. My style.

Me and friend, Zaffir has always dreamed of designing our own clothes and make our own fashion label WALAH So I think that this might be a good start for me.


Haa pasni nak design cap lak ya HAHA Semua benda nak di-design ! Dontcha think that Sharpie is awesome ? 

I think tote bag is really simple, light and cute. Lelaki pun boleh pakai and still look cool.


With my friends from SMK ! Zaman kegemilangan SOBS MISH EM LIKE KREJI !

Budak UiTM semua tengah sama cuti 2 bulan. Budak matrix hujung bulan ni dah start merdeka till Sept. Budak U lain entah lah. Budak IPTS cuti awal Jun. 

Kan awalawal dulu saya dah cakap. Lepas SPM semua busy. Masingmasing dah bertaburan seluruh dunia. Memang susah nak reunite semua SOBS

But we can still meet up on weekend In Shaa Allah. Cuma friends yang kat overseas tu je la. Kita webcam nanti HAHA

Lepak borakborak spend the whole day together at McD tu pun okay je. Masingmasing dah besar. Dah jadi siswa and siswazah dah. Pasni nak tengok sape kahwin dulu HEEEE


I still didnt spend my RM250 baucer buku yet. Planning to go for a book shopping at The Big Bad Wolf Books Fair at The Mines and Kinokuniya KLCC. 

Anyone wanna accompany me ? But I warn you. I can be a real nerd and book lover when I entered those books heaven. I can spend the whole day there. 


In case if you dont know. Seoul Garden is a seafood buffet restaurant. But as far as I know. Only at The Mines je yang ada sushi buffet ! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH ~!!!! Kat Malaysia ni susah benar nak cari sushi buffet yang halal and murah. 


Though I have to wait for my mom's recovery. So for the time being she cant eat anything gatal like seafood. Tak best la kalau dia tak join sama. Praying for my mom's health. Amin.


I LOVE TRAVELLING ! Even jalanjalan kat KL je.

Untuk cuti sem 1 ni. Kita jalanjalan kat tempat yang dekatdekat je dulu. Dah lama tak lepaklepak kat malls. Window shopping. Tengok apa yang baru apa yang ada tengok kerenah rakyat jelata. Jalanjalan cari makan gak.

Its sad that I dont have my own camera. My phone's camera pun gambar tak cun. Takde front camera. Tak mampu nak berselfie HAHA But really. Sekarang ni baru rasa cam photography tu fun. 

Dah semsem berikutnya baru la kita travel jauhjauh sikit WAAAAAHHH


Rumah aku kira dekat la gak dengan Broga Hills ni. Tapi tak pernah pergi ! Sadisnya ! Orang nun nun jauh pun dah pergi SOBS

So I'll ask some friends of mine to be a tourist guide and a friend of mine kat kolej pun nak pergi sama. In Shaa Allah.


Nak tambah stok for next sem haha. I dont really care about my style honestly. But studying and living as a Masscomer kat sana. Like it or not. I gotta be more aware with my fashion sense. Try to adapt with the environment.

I learnt a lot about the student's styles kat sana. But its not me to buy fancy and expensive clothes. I prefer to get the nice and low price ones. Or I'll just have to make one.

But biarlah kita punya dress up je yang berubah. Asalkan still menutup aurat, ikut syariah Islam. And yang paling penting. Personaliti diri sendiri tu tak berubah.


Time The Big Bad Wolf Books Fair last year. I brought 3 cooking books. Which I have try none of the recipes yet ! Since In Shaa Allah next sem I'll move out and stay rumah sewa kat luar. I have to learn masak ! Not that I know how to cook. Just to improve my cooking skills and try out new recipes.

Bought Jamie's Food Revolutions by Jamie Oliver, Going 4 More Greens by Azza Pawanchik and Juicing Smoothies & Blended Drinks by Suzannah Olivier.

Very simple and healthy. I guess thats my style of cooking.

I think thats all. Maybe ada lagi tapi tak terfikir sekarang. So In Shaa Allah every each one of this plan of mine. Can be posted here. Yelah dah lama blog ni tak aktif. Pasni boleh la meriah balik HAHA

Semoga aku dapat penuhi semua wish lists aku ni AMIN

Later ~


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