Friday, September 28, 2012



MY favorite games of all time ! Yes. MY ! So you can always click the cute lil red X box on top right of your screen instead of criticizing my personal interest which I knew they're quite boring for some and classic too but for me, they are SUPERB !


EPIK NOSTALGIA ! Very popular in the old days. When I was 5-6. Forgot the type of the game console. But with a gun. Dah takjual rasanya. The game's quite easy. You're a hunter. With a dog. Some ducks (I thought they're birds !)  gonna fly in the air. You'll be hiding somewhere. Shoot those birds. And your dog gonna kutip ducks yang jatuh tu and show it to you. Dapat score. Dulu ingat lagi kalau I won I'll do that typical cowboy cool pose. Tiup pistol tu konon berasap. GEMPAK isu 309 1 Oktober 2012 in Game Review ada kata that this game is available on Android for free ! Boring ? Kids these days cant really define the word BORING properly can they ? 

                                       HARVEST MOON: BACK TO NATURE

Available on Play Station 1 which my bro bought when I was 10. The original Harvest Moon. You're gonna ambil alih ladang atuk yang dah terbiar and have to 'hidupkan' balik ladang tu. Grow crops, bela and ternak binatang, explore the town yang banyak rahsia, berkawan dengan penduduk kampung, join events, ada 4 seasons and each ada cabaran tersendiri, memasak, bina rumah, ngorat awek, get married and A LOT MORE ! The mayor gave you 3 years and if you failed, its a game over. But if you succeed. The game's endless ! People says its really boring since its farming and ternak binatang and so peaceful takde gaduh perang lawan and such plus masa dalam game ni sangat slow nak habis kan 3 tahun tu but I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH ! I still remember that my PS1 broke when I was 13. Due to kesangapan yang teramat sangat. I sanggup pergi rumah kawan kat Sunway Semenyih and bought his PS1 for just RM100 ! Just to play this game ! Harvest Moon yang banyak versions sekarang ni takboleh compare with this one ! Although I must admit yang aku nak sangat main semua versi yang terbaru tu.

                                                POKCKET MONSTER

I know. I know. Ramai kata nama singkatan game ni ada maksud Yahudi. Though I'm still meragui kesahihannya. And maybe thats why cerita ni kat TV9 guna nama Jepun dia ? Safer ? Apaapa pun lets use real name dia. POCKET MONSTER ! Sape takkenal or takpernah main game ni ? Awww so rugi la you ! Honestly. I've only played the Red, Gold and Emerald Version. Actually semua sama. But Emerald je lain sikit. And actually. The Emerald Version je la yang aku main on Game Boy Advance. The Red and Gold Version downloaded on PC. Best part of this game is the secrets ! But yang takbestnya. Bila nak kumpul other Pocket Monsters, kena ada connecting wire or something and connect dengan member lain yang tengah main game Pocket Monster version yang lain. And ada some places yang cuma accessible dengan items yang limited edition and only available on certain events yang takde kat Malaysia. Comment ? Takperlu diceritakan lagi cara main game ni or what is it about so I'm just gonna say, BEST ! But versions yang baru sekarang ni semua available only at konsol yang lebih dahsyat dari segi harganya. Nak main sangat oh !

                               SUMMON NIGHT: SWORDCRAFT STORY 2 

Available on Game Boy Advance. Bought after recommended by a friend. And its worth buying ! Choose your gender. You're a kid from a small village yang 1 day terjumpa something and you decided to choose which spirit that can be summoned time lawan. You can choose your own weapon, upgrade or gabungkan your weapon with some materials and the whole story depends on your choice. The characters' designs are great, story line pun bagus, everything is SANGAT AWESOME ! Except when I couldnt finish the game because I lost my GBA !

                                   FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANCE

I cant remember when but its all started when I borrowed a long-lost friend of mine, Amirin Sofi's pen drive untuk buat apa entah. Then terjumpa la game ni so copied to my PC. Played it and fall in love with it ! The first Final Fantasy I've ever played and its not the original version of Final Fantasy but seriously, no other versions can compete this one ! You had a lil bro yang lumpuh, a girl friend yang rambut putih and because of taknak dipanggil weirdo terpaksa everyday dye rambut dia merah, and a friend yang kehilangan mak and tinggal dengan ayah yang banyak hutang. One day, your friend bring this weird book yang I wonder why dia beli buku tu, read it and that night, the whole city change to a place like in a game. There, you're alone and boleh bina group aka clan. You've to do missions, fight monsters and soon, you'll meet your friends back. While you nak sangat balik ke dunia asal but your friends taknak and halang you because they all can be whatever they wanna be that they couldnt be in the real world. The best thing about this game is that there are so many jobs, missions, weapons, skills and story line. Main balik lepas menang for the first time dulu sebab baru tahu ada banyak lagi secrets yang baru tahu after searched it on the internet !

                                           RAGNAROK ONLINE

Started playing this when my bro downloaded it on PC. A private server HEHE Saya peminat tegar GEMPAK so banyak baca about the latest games yang memang gempak in every aspects but all those MMORPG games takberjaya buat cinta saya pada game ni pudar. There are tons of jobs and each jobs boleh naik pangkat lagi, missions, weapons, items, secrets places and monsters. But the best part of this game for me is joining clans ! Meet real people, chat with them, do missions and fight monsters together. Truly a wonderful feeling. But I guess game ni dah takde or if ada pun susah nak jumpa. MISS it so much. Last main time form 3. Because PC suddenly broke down. My bro said virus. Yelah. Pirate Server kan. I cant really express the perfect word to describe this game. Thats it ! PERFECT !

                                          PERSONA 3 FES & PERSONA 4

THE BEST OF THE BEST ! You and your friends can summon a spirit called Persona. Each persona menggambarkan diri orang tu. And macam setiap game. Ada misi. I really love the characters' designs and the story line. And what I love the most about the game is. Game ni mengetengahkan yang setiap orang ada cerita tersendiri. I believe that ramai antara kita ni just faking ourself, ada masalah tersendiri, zaman silam yang menghantui, realiti yang takdapat diterima,takkenal diri sendiri dan macammacam lagi rahsia diri yang kita taknak orang tahu. In this game, semua tu ada beserta solusinya. You kena berkawan dengan orang tu dengan lebih rapat lagi so that kuasa anda lebih kuat, dapat kenal karakter tu lebih mendalam and kukuhkan ikatan persahabatan tu. Seriously. Game mana lagi yang ada nilai camtu ? PERSAHABATAN and KENALI DIRI SENDIRI.

There're so many versions of Persona. For Persona 3, there's Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES. Highly recommended for Persona 3 FES sebab ada sambungan cerita yang tiada dalam Persona 3. Persona 3 lebih kepada kawasan bandar and spirit tokoh or dewa Barat Yunani gitu la. Persona 4 lak lebih kepada kawasan kampung and the spirits are more to Japanese gods and goddess. Personally, Persona 4 lebih ringan, lebih senang difahami jalan cerita, dapat feel the glorious zaman remaja and the strong bond of friendship. I LOVE IT SO MUCH THAT I CRIED in some sad events and the ending.

Seriously. Feel like buying and playing all of them again ! Nostalgia. Memori. Err. I did it again right ? Still made a post yang panjang berjela. Sorry. And thanks for reading.


Saturday, September 22, 2012



A week has passed since SPM's trial ended. Confident memang tinggi. Was hoping for all As in all subjek teras. But sadly. Sepanjang aku hidup. Seriously. Aku takpernah capai tahap redha yang as maximum as I am now.

Paper karangan BM was kinda tough. Section A- Faedah-faedah Yang Diperoleh Dari Industri Pertanian Negara and Section B- Peranan Penting Keluarga, Rakan Sebaya, Masyarakat dan Didikan Agama Dalam Hidup Remaja if I remembered it correctly. Sounds easy right ? But time tu memang stressed gila. Because the clock was ticking and 30 minutes has passed. But I didnt do a thing ! Practice kat rumah banyak karangan punya la lalalaa. Sampai time tu blank otak beku tangan menggigil cant think a thing ! Ayat punya berterabur ! Takikut formula nak buat karangan pun. Last mid-year punya result I just got 63% aka C. And yesterday rajin datang sekolah while others are sleeping like a log at home or enjoying that great feeling of ponteng sekolah. Cikgu BM bagi kertas karangan. And ada sesi perbincangan. Discussed isiisi yang sepatutnya ada dalam karangan. Sadly isi aku memang takmatang and jauh daripada apa yang cikgu kasi. Cikgu baru kasi paper kat some je. I didnt get it yet. But a friend told me yang I got 77% in total. An A-. Which is ALHAMDULILLAH. In SPM who cares you dapat A- or A or even A+. An A pun dah kira dahsyat. But then a friend spoiled my excitement and told me that I just got 66% ! But dia kata kalau dia taksilap tengok la. Which I really hope she is !

English paper 2 was ALHAMDULILLAH BLESS TO ALLAH ! Just ada 2-3 soalan je yang I got confused. Literature yang paling excited ! Characters that you admire the most. I choose Ralph and managed to wrote 3 pages ! For the first time ever ! Actually malam tu dapat soalan bocor HEHE which is a common thing la kan. But I started menghafal pukul 2:30 pagi till 5 am which is for me sikit sangat masanya. Ditambah lagi dengan otak yang quite lambat menangkap ni but ALHAMDULILLAH time tu memang senang je masuk setiap patah yang dibaca. Actually lagi. Tajuk tu dah pernah buat a few months before. Teacher dah semak latihan tu and she gave me full marks ! I wrote exactly the same thing and hopefully she'll gave me full marks ! Essay pula easy la juga. Section A- How to be Kind and Section B- Journey. Silly me. Spent most of the time on Section A yang markah sikit. And spent the last 30 minutes on Section B yang paling banyak markah. But Alhamdulillah I made it !

Sejarah pun ALHAMDULILLAH. Dapat soalan bocor kan ~ But tajuk besar je la yang didedahkan. Bukan cam soalan 1 apa soalan 1 (a) apa. Tidak. Believe me or not. I failed in my Sejarah mid-year. 30 something. But I think I could get at least B in this trial. INSYA-ALLAH. But yang taksedap didengarnya. Cikgu dapat tangkap some students yang meniru. And to make it worst. They're all Science students. But luckily they're not Malay. I'm not being racist but SHAME ON YOU ! BOOOOO ~!!! HAHA Seriously. Diorang boleh cheat cara keji kotor takbermaruah. I dont know how diorang boleh jawab siapsiap kat rumah dengan kertas exam sekolah and simpan somewhere. Yang peliknya how the hell diorang boleh dapat soalan yang spesifik like soalan 1(a), 1(b) and so on tu. Lagi pelik camne diorang boleh dapat kertas exam sekolah yang sangat rare susah dan takdijual dimanamana tu ? But who cares right ? Dah terbukti menipu patut dibuang sekolah mereka itu. Dah tu boleh buat muka takbersalah. Orang lain punya susah nak menghafal sejarah tu. Allah Maha Berkuasa. Bila Dia nak tunjuk kuasa Dia takde nafi dakwa dakwi dah. And diorang pun dah kena hukuman disiplin but I think yang ringan je rasanya. Takmenginsafkan pun. Orang lain yang failed or markah teruk tu pun kira mulia sebab jawab dengan jujur ikhlas dan bermaruah !

Maths also an ALHAMDULILLAH. Last year I failed ! Can you believe it ? Shame on me ~ Seriously me and numbers can get along. Just like air dengan minyak. I didnt studied at all. Sebab memang taksuka lah ! Aku kalau takminat ni susah haha. But lepas sikitsikit belajar tu felt like Ya Allah senangnya lahai Maths ni ! Why aku foolish sangat dulu ?! In a week dapat siapkan Maths SPM Passed Year Questions buku hijau tu. Although ada some questions yang takdapat jawab. But still was a great achievement for me. I got 73% ! Kenaikan yang sangat memberangsangkan ! Teachers pun gave compliments. Paper 1 dapat 33/40. It might not as high as yours but mostly tembak je so memang bersyukur la. Thought dapat less then 30. Although I really was hoping for 80%++. Bila belek balik. Ya Allah banyak nya silly foolish mistakes yang  I shouldnt have done ! Yang paling menyesal bila lukisan plan dalam section pilihan tu. Jawab lukis dah betul dah. Tapi soalan terbalik ! Jawapan for b(i) aku lukis jawapan for b(ii) and vice verse. Faham ? 9 marks dah byebye ~ Which if added to my current marks boleh dapat A dah ! Menyesal but oh well. Insya-Allah aku akan lebih berhatihati next time. Because theres no room for stupid mistakes dalam SPM !

I was absent time paper agama sadly. Because I was sick. And it wasnt something small like a fever or flu or cough or something like that. Its a real pain and those who know me would know this. Petang tu dah datang sakitnya. Waited for the pain to gone from 6pm till 2am ! Still takreda. Thanks to Allah I was blessed with a dad like mine. Dia bawa pergi klinik nearby at Semenyih Sentral. Normally Klinik Penawar but ya Allah time desperate time tu la dia tutup ! Ada satu lagi klinik - Klinik An-Nisa' but klinik tu wasnt 24/7. Rasa hampa sangat time tu. Yalah nak buat apa lagi kan. Takkan nak suruh ayah bawa pergi klinik yang nun jauhjauh lagi di hening pagi subuh supii tu ? Agak kejam tindakan itu dan taksampai hati nak melaksanakannya. But tetiba dapat hidayah from Allah. Terdetik hati nak pergi klinik depan Econsave. Klinik Mediviron ! First time pergi. And first time juga pergi klinik yang non-Malay. Well again not being racist. Masuk je bilik doktor. Wah. Berkarisma beraura la doktor tu. Speak English je. "Hey Son. What could be the problem ?" I explained to him and I told him I ada exam esok and need a really quick treatment. He gave me an injection. IN THE BUTT ! SERIOUSLY ! Sorry its inappropriate. I thought its funny. He said I have to eat some pills and later I'll feel dizzy because pills tu dipowerkan lagi dengan injection tu. And I have to get sleep. Memang memeningkan dan mengantuk la ! But doktor tu offer surat MC. OH I LOVE YOU DOCTOR ~!

But I didnt minta member soalan bocor tau ! Jujur ! Because a day before dah share to ramai members soalan bocor HAHA And they said semua yang dapat tu masuk. But ada la a few of friends yang offer bagi tanpa dipinta . Orang dah kasi kan ? So just baca apa yang masuk. And took ganti on Saturday. Another tragedy happened. At first that morning. Ustazah lain yang in charge. Dia offer nak jawab paper 1 or 2. I wanted to jawab paper yang ada soalan sirah, akidah, akhlak semua tu dulu. But I forgot paper apa. So I just jawab paper 2. Takcheck dulu soalannya. Balik ke meja and time nak jawab. Ya Allah soalan pasal Al-Quran and Hadith ! Which I didnt studied at all ! So cepatcepat pulangkan balik kat ustazah tu. Alhamdulillah dia baik hati sungguh and gave me the real paper 1 yang ada soalan sirah, akidah and akhlak tu. Soalan Al-Quran and Hadith paper 2 rupanya. I better remember this next time. Bila dah jawab tu. Baru tersedar. WHY THE HELL I DIDNT CHECK THE QUESTIONS DALAM PAPER 2 TADI TU SO THAT AKU BOLEH HAFAL APA YANG MASUK JE ?! WHY DID I TERUS BAGI JE KAT USTAZAH TU ?! Because soalan bocor just dapat for paper 1 je. ARGH Sometimes aku benci kejujuran aku dimana peluang keemasan dilepaskan begitu sahaja !

Paper Bio yang I was looking forward to ! Studied punya semangat. As usual dapat soalan bocor for paper 2 and 3. But just tajuk besar. Paper 2. Ada tajuk Cloning. So I just studied cloning sheep tu. Because tu yang famous. But in exam yang masuk cloning pokok tu ! Ya Allah ! BANTAI ! Then ada soalan pasal Neurons ! Which dalam soalan bocor tiada ! Again. Ya Allah ! BANTAI ! The only soalan in Section A yang aku dapat jawab dengan penuh confident nya was soalan pasal struktur badan ikan dan burung. ALHAMDULILLAH saje lah kan. At least ada yang dapat jawab. Section B was the most stressful ! Banyak masuk pasal Variations ! Dalam soalan bocor tiada ! Time belajar dulu memang senang gila ! And bila tengok soalan last year dah ada so theres a high chance tahun ni takmasuk lagi. So takbaca lah ! So nak selamat aku bantai buat semua soalan tapi jawab entah apaapa ! In total just dapat 17/40% in Section B. Section A teacher taksemak lagi. Sad but still bersyukur la. Paper 3 was ALHAMDULILLAH ! Tu je la harapan aku untuk diselamatkan. Paper 1 pun ! A few minute before paper 1. Studying in dewan. Buat soalan past year questions. Then suddenly a Chinese friend dari kelas sebelah, Fu Zhi Ming (Dude ampun kalau silap eja nama you ! ><" ) nak belajar sekali. Time tu honestly. Felt like 'Alah janganlah taknaklah nak study sendiri kau dah genius takperlu la kacau aku' Jahat kan ? But ALHAMDULILLAH Allah lembutkan hati aku study dengan dia. And thanks to him and Allah ! Most of the questions in paper 1 was soalan past year ! Moralnya dah tahu bukan ? Jangan kedekut ilmu.

Physics was ALLAHUAKBAR ! FAILED FOR SURE ! A day earlier dapat soalan spot from a friend. Tapi tajuk besar and kecil saje la. Shared to most friends. Sampai habis kredit. Later that night. Got soalan bocor from a great friend from SMK Jalan 4, quite a prestigious school in Bangi and Malaysia. Honestly dia la sumber soalan spot saya since last year. And dia bagi spesifik sungguh ! But semua yang dia kasi tu berbeza gila dengan apa yang aku dapat the day earlier tu dari orang lain tu. Memang niat nak share. Seriously ! But was out of credit. And thought 'Oh well rezeki aku la ni ~'. Rupanya ada gak yang lain dah dapat soalan macam tu. So bersyukur la kan diorang dah dapat. Takde la rasa bersalah sangat. But ALLAHUAKBAR. Apa yang aku dapat dari member Jalan 4 tu 1 benda pun takmasuk ! So BANTAI BANTAI BANTAI ! Transverse and longitudinal wave pun aku takdapat bezakan. Nampak parahnya tu ? I really hate Physics to be honest. Although I admit Fizik senang sangat. The essay was CRAZY ! Topik Specific Latent Heat was so EASY but I tersilap faham konsep and maksud soalan so accidentally jawab yang langsung takberkaitan. So 0% on that question ~ Paper 3 yang I thought boleh rescue me pun hmmm so-so saje lah.

But to my great friend from SMK Jalan 4 tu. Dude. THANKS ! No really. I wont ever blame him sebab soalan spot yang dia bagi tu takmasuk. Aku bersyukur sangat sebab dia sudi nak share and so far memang semua yang dia share masuk. Tu je sekali taktepat. Plus thats why namanya soalan SPOT. RAMALAN. Nak fully believe on it tu pilihan kita. Masuk takmasuk salah sendiri. So its me and others are to be blamed. But sadly there are some 'friends' yang marah aku and kutuk kat Twitter because I gave them the wrong spot questions. Fool. I'm not Nostradamus or even his apprentice. I just shared what I got. They're already 17 and yet acting so immature accusing people foolishly.

Chemist pun SUBHANALLAH. Banyak calculations. Which I'm really weak at. But I think I did better than mid-year. Insya-Allah. Paper 3. Luckily. A few minutes before exam started. Dapat soalan bocor from Chinese students. Yang katanya dapat from kawan sekolah lain dalam daerah sama. Yang katanya dah jawab paper Chemist. Although pelik sungguh. Yalah trial should be satu daerah jawab pada masa yang sama. But diorang dah jawab dulu ? But apa yang diorang bagitau tu memang masuk. So  ALHAMDULILLAH. Cuma Section B dia tu spoiled lah !

Addmath ! ARGH ! ERGH ! WARGH ! Paper 2. Sebelum exam. Cikgu bagi kertas kosong untuk jawab soalan. Habis masa. Aku pulangkan the exact PAPER KOSONG balik kat cikgu tu. Except soalan 1 - simultaneous equations. Actually I really was fired up nak menjawab soalan Index. Because bukan nak berlagak but I quite good in that topic. But dalam soalan tu. Ya Allah. APA NI ?! Takpernah aku jawab soalan camni dalam any of my addmath exercises books ! Sepanjang exam tu ya Allah lambatnya masa bergerak. Saw ramai juga la yang tidur awal HAHA Ada geng. But time cikgu Dora - the famous and great Addmath teacher who is also the 2011 Teacher of the Year, lalu semua bangun and kononkonon belek paper memikirkan jawapan HAHA Paper 1 was really tough but not as tough as paper 2. Earlier that morning practiced Functions which I'm really weak at. Bila dah rasa mastered and confident dah tinggi. Punya senang hati nak menjawab. Tapi keyakinan jatuh menjunam bila tengok soalan Function yang takpernah jumpa juga in any of my exercises books. Allahuakbar ! Soalan yang depandepan tu pun takdapat jawab ! Yang most would say easy and senang dapat markah. Just dapat jawab Progressions. Itupun taktahu betul ke tak. And everytime nampak graph. Blank. I really hate Addmath.

Kecewakan cikgu. Oh biarkan. Rasa bersalah. Oh biarkan. Miss Dora's students semua kata. Even though diorang dapat markah teruk and teacher Dora tu tegas and garang, She'll give positive comments like 'Itsokay SPM ada' or 'Itsokay ada orang tu sepanjang hidup addmath failed je tapi in the real SPM dapat A+'. She's awesome !

Enough about the trial. Next is another story which is again about tahap keredhaan saya yang dah capai tahap maksimas tu.

Last Saturday. Right after trial ended on Friday. Planned to go reading books at MPH Mid Valley. But friends from KL ajak lepak at Bangsar. So pergi sana. Oh miss them ! Balik tu baru pergi Mid. Oh MPH la tempat lepak saya. Nerdy is the new cool peeps ~ Boleh baca banyak buku for free ! I dont know who's the owner but if he or she is a Muslim. Banyak pahala dia dah dapat. But was quite shocked bila dapat tahu MPH sudah berubah tempat ke tempat yang lebih kecil ! Dan takde space untuk menggulingkan badan dah ! The old place was taken by  UNIQLO. Oh saya suka UNIQLO tapi eeee jahatnya dia tawan jajah tempat MPH ! HAHA gedik ! Okay enough about that. If you are peminat setia saya yang baca setiap post saya. You must already know yang saya akan bercerita panjang lebar but benda yang pointless and nonesense kan ? So lets cut the chase to the moment when the real tragedy happened shall we ? *YEY ~!*

 I was waiting for train kat Mid tu sebab nak balik. Was holding my phone. Then a train came. I was standing in the train. After a few stations dah lepas. Baru perasan. I LOST MY PHONE ! Panicked. Nak fainted. But trying to calm down and act cool. Meraba poket dan beg. Orang dah pandang pelik. ALLAHUAKBAR. Maybe some of you would say I tercicir kat manamana kan ? I doubt that. Yelah because I still remembered I was holding it before the train came ! My hypothesis ? Bukan nak bersangka buruk. But the truth is. While I was waiting for the train to come and still holding my phone. A man came from my right. Asked ''Dik, ni train nak pergi Klang ke ?'' Its weird and suspicious because if he's coming from that direction he should obviously saw a sign board saying the direction of the train which gonna go to Seremban ! Then I said ''Eh tak la ni nak pergi Seremban. Klang kat seberang tu.'' Then seriously ! I was blank takingat apaapa. I remembered walking into the train. But sepanjang dalam train tu takingat apaapa ! Lepas a few stations dah lepas baru tersedar. Pukau maybe ? Wallahualam.

Alhamdulillah luckily. Ada abang ni caring tanya apahal. Seeing me cam panik kan. Told him that I lost my phone. He offered his phone to call my parents to pick me up. THANKS BRO ! But until now. I didnt tell my parents yet ! Afraid of getting scolded ? No. Its because of something else that I wont share here. But yang peliknya. Kiri kanan aku pakai Samsung Galaxy and everything high-tech. Aku yang pakai Nokia C3 ni yang kena WHY ?! Orang lain kata beli je la yang baru. Senang je kau cakap kan ? What saddened me the most is. Semua info penting, numbers and most importantly. Mesej dengan orangorang yang penting kesayangan. My phone pergi dengan semua kenangan terindah :'(

Redha saje la kan ?