Tuesday, December 24, 2013



It sure has been a while. Starting to miss me I bet ? HAHA 
Dah jadi budak U dah Danial ni ~ Dah besar dah dia ~


As a freshie kat UiTM, first week tu semua diwajibkan join Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS) which is extremely tiring but banyak pengisiannya and really fun too actually. MDS ni is like pengenalan to freshies all about UiTM. The laws, tempattempat kat UiTM, ahliahli Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP), lagulagu UiTM dan lainlain.

It was lots of fun when penceramah and seniors yang jadi pengacara - Abang Amir and Kak Alya sangat funny and pandai hiburkan students, ada persembahan teater, ada cool videos made by the seniors, seniors buat persembahan and they are all sangat sporting. *a huge applause to the seniors*

The thing that I love the most is the cool videos that the seniors made. Video diorang pergi bercuti bersama. Video diorang samasama prepare for the MDS. I can truly feel their strong bond of friendship. Their happiness when they're together. I was really touched by the videos. And it made me feels like I wanna join the MPP too ! Layak ke ? ;)

But what I hate the most is when the whole week was very tiring ! Every single day we had to wake up at around 4 am - 4.30 am. Or the seniors yang jaga kitorang kat kolej (or hostel as people normally call it) tu akan kejutkan kitorang by turning on a loud siren then ada lagu yang sangatsangat annoying. Ada gak seniors yang rajin ketukketuk pintu and check us out dah bangun ke tak. Mandi subuhsubuh which is very cold, siapsiap and beratur ramairamai kat bawah. 

Honestly, I do get it bila kena bangun awal mandi awal siap awal. Stay kolej yang tandas nya kena beratur ambil nombor giliran. So its common la kena bangun awal. Sebab kitorang nak bergerak ramairamai to masjid solat Subuh berjemaah. Thats really great actually.

But whats really annoying was when. Lumrah dunia. Taksemua sama ragam. Mesti ada yang rosakkan suasana. Mesti ada yang perangai celaka. 

Ramai dah beratur kat bawah. And still ada yang tengah bersiap or tengah mandi or even worse yang tengah tidur kat atas. Which made us kena tahan berdiri je kat bawah sampai la semua kolej dikosongkan takde orang. Kitorang semua penat takcukup tidur. Bukan kau sorang je. So please. Dont be selfish.

Pernah sekali tu. Ada sorang budak ni. Punya teruk perangai. Taknak turun solat Subuh. Sanggup menyorok kat dalam loker. Ada gak yang nyorok kat top floor which stores tangki air. Bila kantoi seniors jumpa. Memang mengamuk la. Kitorang yang kena tahan kat bawah ni lagi la menyirap. 

Ada gak yang taknak turun solat Subuh. Tidur kat tandas. But mereka berjaya mengelak daripada dikesan. Which I dont know how. But let them be.

Then we had to walk from the college to the mosque which I guess its around 1km maybe. Lepas solat Subuh berjemaah, ada tazkirah subuh. But as expected, bila dah takcukup tidur, takbiasa bangun awal and ngantuk tu menguasai diri. It turned out to be tidur berjemaah. Alhamdulillah ustaz and seniors pun faham. So diorang takpeduli pun. They keep on bagi tazkirah.

Aku pun takterkecuali la dari tertidur. But tidurtidur ayam je la. Ada gak terdengar sikitsikit ilmu tu. Ada gak tazkirah yang sangat interesting berjaya buat aku fokus taktidur takngantuk langsung sampai habis. Ada yang berjaya buat aku sebak dan nangis. Kisah tentang Bilal Bin Rabah yang sedih sangat lepas Nabi Muhammad SAW wafat. Sila la baca kisah tersebut.

One day tu, kat masjid after solat Subuh. A guy besides me tegur. 
''Hey Danial kan ?''. 
(I was very sleepy at that time. Jawab yeah je la.)
''Dulu sekolah kat SK Batu 9, Cheras kan?''. 
(Time ni dia dah caught my interest. How did you know that ?)
''Aku classmate kau time darjah 1 dulu. Ingat aku ?''

PERGH ! PEEEEERRGHHHH ! I was really shocked and speechless ! Untuk makluman. Dari darjah 1 hinggalah darjah 3. Saya bersekolah di SK Batu 9, Cheras. Dari darjah 4 sampai la sekarang saya stay at Semenyih.

So memori beliau sangat la power ! Dia boleh ingat lagi raut wajah aku yang dah berubah 360 degree ni ! Dulu aku keding je. Now muka dah tembam sikit, jerawat punya berleluasa dan dah gelap. But he could still recognized me !

We chatted for a while. He did mention me dia bilik mana course apa. But since I was very sleepy time tu. I totally forgot ! Nama dia pun aku boleh taktanya ! And bila kitorang kena gerak keluar dari masjid. Aku dengan mamai nya tinggalkan dia. And sampai sekarang aku takjumpa dia lagi. I really regret that stupid act of mine. Sobs. A long lost friend. So dude. If you're reading this. Saya budak masscom bilik 307. Please do visit me. We can strengthen back our friendship :)

After that we had to walk again from the mosque to the Dewan Taming Sari which I guess its around 2km maybe to have our breakfast. Alhamdulillah breakfast, lunch and dinner ditaja. But quite unlucky for me. I'm allergic to ayam, daging, telur and most of ikan. And tu la menu nya harihari. Ikan yang dia kasi pun ikan kembung which I'm allergic to. 

Sometimes I just ate nasi with sayur. Well I'm fine with that sebab usually tu memang menu aku. But dia catu pengambilan sayur tu. Sesudu dua je. Walaupun aku dah inform awalawal that aku ada alergik makanan and diberi kad khas untuk ditunjukkan pada orang yang jaga makanan tu. Tetap gak dia catu makanan. Which aku taksetuju. Sobs. Kasihani la saya. Sobs. Saya makan sayur je jangan la berkira. Sobs. 

Sometimes bila takde sayur langsung. Seniors akan kasi roti krim 70 sen tu 2-3 biji and air kotak. Which I'm really grateful of. Although you should try bayangkan seminggu tu most of the time. Kau makan roti krim je. Aku cuma bayangkan yang aku lebih bertuah dari orang kat negara dunia ketiga. Shouldnt complain much. So thanks so much Kak Gorjes and Abang Faiz sebab pemurah sangat kasi aku roti harihari and bersimpati kat aku. I appreciate it :')

Most of the days for the week kitorang diperam dalam dewan tu. Which is very freezing ! Time tu la kitorang sangat menghargai kehangatan matahari. 

Standard bila kau dah ngantuk sangat and penceramah bosan or takfaham apa yang diorang cuba nak sampaikan, you will fall into sleep. But nakalnya seniors yang jaga kitorang kat dewan tu. They wont allowed us ! Some will spray us with the Ambi Pur fragrance. Some will snap a pic or record muka kitorang tidur. Malu gila ! Whats more embarrassing is that. Diorang akan letak muka kitorang tidur tu dalam video yang akan diorang tontonkan kat kitorang nanti. FUH ! It was really funny actually.

Ada persembahan nyanyian by the seniors, beatboxing and lots more. Also ada persembahan teater yang for me very enjoyable. 

On the last day of the MDS, there was a tour to the faculty and around the campus. Lead by the beautiful and charismatic President of Masscom - Kak Fara, helped with Abang Fufi and Abang Farid. They were all sangat sporting and fun. They gave us a few survival tips nak hidup kat situ. I thought kitorang naik bas nak buat tour tu. Rupanya jalan kaki. Pergh. Time tu terasa yang UiTM Lendu, Melaka ni sangat besar. Well they did say yang it is the 2nd largest UiTM after UiTM Shah Alam. So no wonder la.

Ada gak segmen where kitorang kena tutup mata and pandang bawah. Then diorang pasangkan alunan lagu yang sedih. And the MCs started cakap things like. Kitorang datang U ni sebab nak study nak banggakan parents nak ubah nasib family. How hard it was for our parents besarkan kitorang selama ni. And they made us imagine what if one day our parents passed away. The sins that we've made towards them. 

This was the second time aku kena segmen ni. The first one was when I was in standard 6. It was really menginsafkan. Serious time tu menangis meleleh sangat. Terkenangkan parents. Dengan suhu dewan nya yang cam Kutub Utara sana. Menggigil sebab menangis dan sebab sejuk. But kesian dengan some of the students. Yang stay jauh nun utara sana or Sabah Sarawak tu. And especially yang dah pun kehilangan parents. Diorang lagi terasa the lost. Diorang lagi menjiwai segmen ni.  

Alhamdulillah. Diorang jaga solat kitorang. Subuh till Isyak kitorang dapat solat berjemaah.

Almost everyday kitorang habis awal. Tapi kena gerak pergi masjid to solat Maghrib and Isyak berjemaah dulu. Then baru dapat balik kolej. But whats annoying was when seniors kolej tahan us from naik masuk bilik. Kalau ada benda nak bagitahu tu aku faham. But when diorang ada je benda takpuas hati ada je benda nak marah tu. Although agak melecehkan. But I do understand why diorang marah. Sebab some of us buat masalah. And diorang layak dimarahi. But bila yang lain semua kena tempias. Tu yang agak membengangkan.

Seniors dah awalawal warning. Some places dah di-forbid kan from smoking. But some of us still did it. Bila dipaksa mengaku sape yang buat. None bangun. Which make the seniors hold us. Sampai la pukul 12 am till 2 am. Almost every night camni. Kes merokok. Susah sangat nak mengaku. Sampai kena panggil polis bantuan. Bila seniors suruh bagi semua stok rokok yang diorang bawa. Ada yang cam bawa stok setahun. Smoker tegar ni. Ada yang degil nyorok kat celah manamana. Still kantoi lagi la seniors mengamuk. Ada gak la keskes lain.

I dont give a damn kalau kau nak merokok sampai mati pun. Or buat anything yang might get you kill. But hidup jangan la menyusahkan orang. Elokelok lepas habis solat Isyak dah boleh naik mandi tidur esok pagi bangun pukul 4. Dah dapat tidur 2-3 jam je. But we were still considered lucky though. My friend yang part 2 dulu cerita. Diorang kena tahan sampai dapat tidur sejam dua je.

But overall. It was fun. Really. It was a great experiences. And I kinda miss it actually. A huge applause and thanks to the seniors. Yang menjayakan Minggu Destini Siswa. Diorang pun actually jauh lagi penat dari kitorang. Diorang actually tengah cuti. Tapi sanggup korbankan cuti diorang. Seminggu sebelum MDS ni diorang dah kena stay situ siapkan all the preparations. Tambah lagi seminggu for the MDS. Diorang pun actually takcukup tidur. But they still willing to samasama jayakan program ni. So thanks so much seniors ! Till we meet again one day In Shaa Allah :D 
*Sorry if ada seniors yang aku takmention nama. Cant remember nama semua orang*

So I guess thats all about it pasal Minggu Destini Siswa at UiTM. For the next part. Tunggu je la ya. Thanks for reading :)


Wednesday, November 13, 2013



Aku dapat idea yang mencurahcurah and inspirasi nak buat post ni when I was applying the bedak sejuk Thanaka onto my full-of-pimples face malam tadi. Cool right ? Selalunya dapat ideaidea bernas ni only when I'm busy dan fokus melabur dalam tandas. The best time to do a brain-storming. Seriously ! BHAHAHAHA

So what I wanna talk actually was. Pasal ragam orang bisnes. More or less gitu la.

First of all. Why Thanaka ni memberi aku inspirasi nak cerita pasal isu ni ? Cuz when I was gigih tepektepek bedak sejuk ni kat muka, I suddenly remembered. My cousin bought this thing at RM15. Kat internet mostly jual RM30 ! But I bought it at only RM8 ! The 40g one la. Bought at kedai jamu in The Store Semenyih. So I was like. Berapa sen sebenarnya benda alah ni ? Berapa puluh sebenarnya diorang untung ? 

Although you kata RM30 tu free postage. Sahsah la the price shown already included with postage cost. And for Semenanjung kos postage is just around RM6 right ? You still untung banyak. Lets say a customer bought product A = RM30 and product B = RM20. Total customer perlu bayar is RM50. Harga asal produk A = RM10 and produk B = RM5. Which untung produk A = RM20 and produk B = RM15. So untung is RM35. Tolak dengan postage cost which is RM6 untung bersih RM29.

The more you beli the more untung diorang dapat. Sebab diorang sent everything in one package which cost RM6. Lets say you beli 2 product. Which dalam each price tu included with RM6 postage cost. So 2 product sepatutnya kos RM12 right ? But if diorang sent 2 product sekaligus and they just paid RM6 for the postage. Means diorang untung lagi RM6. Get it ? I'm not really good in explaining at all. 

Sorry penjual online semua. Aku bukan nak tutup periuk nasi korang. Just saying based of my own experiences. And I think that the consumers should know this. To be more pandai dalam membeli. And you penjual pun agakagak la letak price. Jangan melampau sangat. Be considerate. Jangan nak kejar untung je.

Dulu cikgu Kemahiran Hidup aku pernah cakap. Kalau untung melebihi 100% itu riba'. Keuntungan yang melampau tu pun riba'. Dan riba' itu haram. 

Thanaka ni asalnya dari pokok Thanaka or Sandalwood. Before selalu nampak orangorang Myanmar yang tinggal kat rumahrumah belakang tu selamba cool lepak jalanjalan luar rumah with this thing on their face. Time tu aku taktahu pebenda nya diorang pakai tu. Thought bedak sejuk biasa je. Rupanya Thanaka ni sebab kat Myanmar femes bedak sejuk ni. Kat cover bekas ni siap ada tunjuk cam bedak sejuk Thanaka ni menang award kat sana. Hey I guess I should ask them to buy it for me ? Kalau diorang balik Myanmar nak kirim la. Mana tahu sana RM1 je sebiji. Hewhewhewhew ~

Anyway I cant say much bout this product yet. Since saya ni on off je apply benda ni. Tak konsisten. Heeeee ~

Next is. A friend of my brother cerita. Dia pernah kerja kat satu clothes shop yang not really famous but growing and ada banyak branch nya gak. Normal la kan kedaikedai ni beli barangbarang dari overseas which is jauh lagi murah. But kedai tu beli kat negara lain with method menimbang ! Rare and unique right ? Or aku je yang ketinggalan ? Hahaha. Bila dia kirakira dia cakap boleh kata sehelai baju tu actually just RM1 je ! Tapi dijualnya sehelai RM30 ! PEERRGHH ~! Aku pun nak tahu negara mana yang beli barang ikut timbangan ? Boleh shopping menggila kat sana ! Anyone tahu kat mana negara tu?

Then abang Ben Ashaari made a post with this image.

It was an old post but still boleh dibincangkan lagi. Wah bahasa.


First aku nak cakap pasal ''Untung RM5 kata kecil''.

Macam yang aku dah bebel kat atas. Orang kita ramai kejar untung lebih. Bila kena dekat diri sendiri pandai lak melatah marah. 

Another example is. Lets say you buka kedai makan. Mee goreng sepinggan RM7.50. For some maybe nampak cam harga standard. I get it. Rent kedai tu mahal the supplies maintenance nak bayar gaji pekerja lagi. But think bout it. Harga mahal takramai mampu takramai nak datang. Unless of course dalam mee tu ada udang 10 ekor ke sotong 10 ekor ke lobster sekor ke. Memang surprisingly cheap la. But ni ? Rasa biasa or hambar je. Better hire mak sendiri jadi chef. Or makcikmakcik yang buka gerai tepi jalan tu. Lagi sodap I bet. Takyah hire chef yang mahalmahal but masakan biasa je.

But what if you letak harga RM4 sepinggan ? Most people are looking for the price first. Asal perut kenyang cukup. Other few tu doesnt mind to spend more for a great taste. But surely the taste tu mesti ada. So that kalau harga lebih rasa reasonable la. Boleh la nak pergi lagi. But lets just focus on the majority. Harga mahal tapi customers datang sikit and jarangjarang datang. Tetap takboleh untung. Its like kau nak bisnes kau buka harini esok nak tutup. Thats why banyak bisnes takboleh pergi jauh. Biar harga murah untung sikit asal customers ramai datang continuously. Baru bisnes mampu tahan lama.

Design awesome tu maybe agak membantu dalam attract customers. You might say that harga mahal tu include nak cover harga decorations. Kalau you add 5 sen in each foods and drinks that you sell. When the prices are cheap. In Shaa Allah customers ramai datang. Lambat laun dapat gak cover kos decorations tu. Just be more patience la.

Other crucial factor is of course the service. Waiter mesra peramah tu bonus la. But what I want to highlight here is the SPEED of the service. I seriously cant figure out how the mamaks punya bisnes mampu buat air dan makanan semua dengan sangat pantas sekali. Ratarata taksampai seminit pun la air dah sampai. Orang datang nak makan, air mesti sampai dulu. Tangan diorang sangat expert dah bekerja. Tengok restoran Melayu. Only a few je yang betulbetul cepat. Others took so damn long la. I'm sure that ni bukan pendapat aku sorang je. Semua yang selalu lepak kat kedai Mamak are so gonna approve this. So dont blame them if diorang memonopoli bisnes makanan kita one day. They truly deserves it.

Finally. Aku nak cakap part ''Pakai bomoh, dengki, iri hati''.

Of course bukan semua. But some ada pakai khidmat bomoh. Not to be all supernatural and stuffs. But its true right ? Yang pakai bomoh tu pun reti download movie from internet siap pakai iPhone lagi. But for some unexplainable reasons still pemikiran kolot dan cetek. Bisnes bukan berbillion pun jual goreng pisang je pun. Bukan nak hina mereka yang jual goreng pisang. Cuma nak ingatkan takberbaloi that foolish act dengan dosa yang kau akan tanggung kat akhirat nanti.

Mensyirikkan Allah is dosa paling besar in Islam. Its like kau deny and takpercaya kekuasaan Allah. Nauzubillah. Why kau perlukan bantuan dari yang lain sedangkan yang lain tu pun mampu hulurkan bantuan dengan izin Allah ?

''Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampunkan dosa mensyirikkan-Nya dengan sesuatu. Dia akan mengampukan dosa selain syirik itu bagi yang dikehendaki-Nya. Sesiapa pun mensyirikkan Allah dengan sesuatu maka sesungguhnya ia telah melakukan dosa besar'' (Surah An-Nisa' , ayat 48).

But Allah tu Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.

"Sesungguhnya Allah akan menerima taubat seorang hamba selagi nyawanya belum sampai di halqum (yakni nyawanya berada di penghujung)" (HR Imam At-Tarmizi).

Death is absolute, inevitable and can never be predicted. Who knows after a few seconds you're reading this ajal anda dah tiba ? Wallahualam. I myself writing ayat ni terasa seram nya. So lets taubat before terlambat.

Oh and for peniagapeniaga. Selain ayat seribu dinar for murah rezeki. Amat digalakkan baca surah Al-Falaq. In Shaa Allah menghindarkan diri dari sifat dengki dan iri hati orang.

Just to clear things up. Semua ni komen and teguran dari pandangan aku. Me myself is not perfect. But as a consumer I do have a right to say this. Aku sayang bangsa aku. Sometimes tu kita beli just sebab nak tolong bangsa sendiri. Tapi kalau dah bangsa sendiri tindas bangsa sendiri. Mesti rasa taklayak dah nak sayang and tolong diorang.

This is not a post yang berunsur perkauman. Its not wrong at all to mencontohi everything yang baik dari orang lain even though orang tu berlainan bangsa dan agama dari kita right ? Even you yourself must at least once merungut komplen kutuk pasal masalah bangsa sendiri when it comes to hal bisnes.

Dont let your ego stand in your way. Cam pepatah Arab kata ''Terima la nasihat walaupun dari mulut seekor lembu.'' Why lembu ? Guwa pun taktahu wallahualam.

But I'm saying this is so that. Hopefully. I can see a better Malaysian one day in future. In Shaa Allah.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013



An awesome friend of mine, Hilman just posted this on Facebook. 

Honestly aku pun baru tahu pasal ni ! And actually its TRUE ! Thus buat aku rasa berminat nak kupas and share isu ni ECEEEEHH ayat.

Fluoride ni sebenarnya bahan kimia yang highly toxic. In fact, before fluoride disifatkan as a cavity fighter, it was used as racun serangga and racun tikus ! 

Fluoride is a pollutant - a by-product of copper, iron and aluminium manufacturing. In th 1930's, a study funded by one of the largest aluminium companies menyatakan yang fluoride ni berkesan dalam menghalang kerosakan gigi. And bila diorang buat lagi research, bila fluoride ni ditambah dengan air, gigi akan jadi lebih sihat dan bersinar gitu.

Well, kalau nampak dari luarannya, memang la gigi nampak lebih bersih. But what fluoride actually does is menghakis gigi !

According to the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health. 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the U.S. were studied in the mid-80's. And the results showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

Meanwhile, tooth decay trends tracked by the World Health Organization from 1970 to the present show that the incidence of decayed, missing or filled teeth has been steadily in decline with each passing year in the U.S., France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Iceland and Greece. Malaysia ? Wallahualam.

So kenapa jumlah kerosakan gigi menurun ? Jawapan yang paling jelas is for sure a better oral hygiene and improved dental practice. Bukannya sebab fluoride. Sebab antara semua negara-negara yang dinyatakan kat atas tu, cuma Amerika je yang tambah fluoride dalam public water supply diorang !

Bila you consume too much fluoride, not only your teeth can become discolored and crumble. Your mind and body pun terjejas sama !

In tests on laboratory animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain's absorption of aluminum. Which can cause Alzheimer. 3 kajian osteoporosis yang berbeza telah dikaitkan dengan keretakan pinggul with fluoridation. Also, excessive fluoride boleh menyebabkan kerosakan to sistem otot dan saraf, which leads to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits ! And lets not forget. Kanser tulang !

Dont bother on wondering why the government halalkan bahan yang merbahaya ni. Semua permainan politik. Its absolutely impossible and nonsense if diorang boleh terlepas pandang such crucial info.

Persetankan iklan gigi yang dengan comelnya berkata ''BELILAH UBAT GIGI DENGAN FLUORIDA ~!' ! If produk kesihatan gigi tu bagitahu yang it mampu kasi gigi lebih cerah dengan cepat. That means that it contains lots of fluoride.

Although its true that in the world nowadays, fluoride ni takboleh nak elak sangat sebab kat udara yang tercemar pun actually contain fluoride. So what can we do is to minimize the kuantiti penerimaan atau pengambilan fluoride. Dont worry ! Takpernah langsung wujud kes fluoride deficiency.

As my friend stated above. 
"Kenapa ubat gigi seperti Mukmin dan Halagel berani kata 'ubat gigi kami tiada fluorida' ? Sebab mereka Islam dan tidak diajar penganiyaan"

Indeed the power of the media and advertisement is unimaginable. 

So now what should we do ? BERTUKAR lah kepada UBAT GIGI yang TIADA FLUORIDA ~

Anyway, a friend suggested me to read The Deadly Mist by Jerry D. Grey. A book yang membongkarkan rahsia Amerika merosakkan umat manusia by entertainment, kesihatan, pemakanan, perang and so much more. Have you read it ?


Monday, October 21, 2013




The title says it all.

Finally. Penantian hampir setahun soon gonna end.

I'm sure that this is the answer from my solat istikharah. 

I believe that this is the best for me.

Ease it for me O Allah.

Wish me luck guys ~! :D

*Only have around a month to bersihkan muka TEEHEE*


Sunday, October 20, 2013



Ever faced any problems in choosing a birthday gift for your loved ones ? I do ! All the times ! Especially for members yang dah already kaya and have it all !

Belanja makan pun best. For a special occasion boleh la makan kat tempat yang special sikit kan. But brace yourself ! Just in case if dia demand makan kat restoran yang teh o ais limau segelas is RM20++ plus tax plus service charge plus plus plus.

Perfumes and clothings can be arguable actually. As these items are subjective. What kind of scent yang dia suka ? Dia ada any allergic to some scents ke ? Apa saiz dia ? Designs and colors of the clothes match with taste dia ke ? Will dia be comfortable wearing it ?

Books pun sounds great. Share with dia books yang superb yang dia patut baca. Or bagi koleksi buku from the same writer. For example if dia suka komik Lawak Kampus and rasanya dia takde komik tu. Bagi dia all the Lawak Kampus collections. Only if dia suka membaca.

Cosmetics pun okay. But takut lak produk tu alergik or taksesuai on sensitive skins dia tu. Dah teruk kulit anak orang.

But why dont kau suruh je dia pilih apa dia nak and kau bayarkan ? That'll solve the prob. But dah tak surprise dah la.

But tu semua cliche HAHAHA Cuz I love to do something yang rare. So fear not ! Here're some cool ideas (I guess) that I would like to share.

Either sehari tu kasi dia rest and kau yang uruskan semua like memasak membasuh EVERYTHING ! More suitable for family obviously. Spa treatment pun best ! Yknow facial, body massage, sauna and all that. Well kalau kau takpandai nak buat spa sendiri, belanja la spa kat luar. Must be relaxing !

Kalau selama ni kau asyik dengar dia idamkan something tu. Thats actually dia tengah kasi kau klu tu HAHA Unless dia idamkan iPhone 5 tu memang tak ah kan HAHA Health products like Pamoga tu ke. Thats really great. Especially kalau dia ada sakitsakit. In Shaa Allah boleh disembuhkan. Besides, mesti dia terharu cuz nampak kau concern with kesihatan dia and nak dia sihat.

Theme parks like Sunway Lagoon or Genting Highland should be fun. Kalau dia suka aktiviti extreme sikit. Skytrex Shah Alam sangat awesome. Belanja main paintball pun best. Kalau takut sakit main je la Galactic Laser kat Mid Valley tu. Tengok wayang sangat cliche. So instead, belanja tengok match sukan feveret dia. That is kalau dia suka sukan.

Kalau dia suka any artis overseas like BIGBANG or Metalica or Maher Zain and tetiba just in time artis feveret dia tu ada buat konsert here in Malaysia. Dia will definitely love this.

Some shops like Metrojaya / Parkson and some blogs ada kemudahan ni. Like you bayar RM100 and you'll get a RM100 voucher. Then you boleh hadiahkan voucher tu to the orang tu and let dia beli whatever dia nak.

Some shops, clubs and places ada buat member card ni. So why dontcha sign up for dia ? Rare kan ? Lagi best kalau sign up for member card tu is free and last till the end of your life. Such as Wattson and Toys R Us. MPH, Popular, Boarders and Kinokuniya pun boleh buat member card. But kena bayar sikit around RM12++ and can last at least for a year. Member cards yang like kena spend RM100++ and baru dapat sign up tu aku kurang gemar sikit. Sign up for ahli gym pun bagus. Dont worry kalau dia takperlukan kad tu. Sooner or later dia akan guna gak. Just bagi je ~ Especially kad yang valid sepanjang umur tu. Dia might not need it now. But in future ? Maybe dia taksuka toys and takperlu jadi member Toys R Us. But cmon its free and valid sepanjang umur kot. Takrugi langsung. What if your future husband or wife or even kids suka toys ? We donno what the future holds for us ~

This is something very personal and memorable for sure. Beli album yang cuncun, kumpulkan all the pics dari zaman duludulu sampai sekarang and susun cantikcantik. Boleh reminiscing the good old days. I know simpan kat phone or pc lagi senang. But what if one day gadget you tu ada prob and suddenly all the data and pics hilang ? So print them out and simpankan dalam album so that you ada 'backup pics'. Oh hey Maria Elena shared this. Album alaf baru. Check em out !

I love this idea ! Bagi multiple items based on umur dia. Lets say it'll be dia punya 18th Birthday. So you can give dia 18 barang lainlain. Shopping kat Daiso at Mid Valley for instance would be a money saver. Lots of varieties and all items are RM5 ! Or 18 different cakes ! Either the same brands with 18 different flavors or the same flavors with 18 different brands. Dia takkan nak diabetes so hopefully dia akan shareshare dengan orang lain.

Special tak ? Rare tak ? Of course la kan HAHAHA Now I'll be no longer in dilemma when it comes to giving a gift !

Apaapa pun always remember. Apa hubungan kau dengan dia ? Kalau belum ada hubungan yang sah tu just like pakwe makwe takpayah la nak kasi phone, camera, original lavish jewelries or any over-the-top-sangat gifts. Membazir. Confirm ke korang kekal sampai ke jinjang pelamin ? Save those items for barang hantaran nanti looks more special. Unless its for your family, spending a lil bit much would be more reasonable.

Besides jangan nak terlampau sangat in giving a gift. Ikut bajet bagi apa yang termampu. Kalau takmampu kasi apa yang you ikhlas nak kasi. Orang tu pun if dia bukan jenis materialistik or cerewet, dia akan tetap appreciate, terharu and kenang jasa kau. 

Give something special and memorable or functional or needed but must be affordable.




As you can see. Again. A new header ! Now I kinda like tukartukar header ni. Asah kreativiti sendiri eceh konon. Belajar new techniques in blog designs and stuffs.

But I faced probs nak design kan header ni. Standard ah mesti ada challenges sikit baru fun kan !

Well from an amateur view like me. I like this. Besides the fact that aku bangga dengan hasil titik peluh yang takseberapa ni. Its simple, fresh and clean. Just the way I like it.

But when I tried to upload it to the blog. It became like this.

WHYYYY ??!~!! Where did I go wrong ?! Apa dosa aku ?! 

I asked members lain. Diorang pun clueless. Sobs.

Then I googled this prob. Found this. 

The hell is he/she saying ?! Aku takfaham apa satu pun yang dia cuba nak sampaikan tu ! Sobs. My english skills seems dah teruk. Or is it me yang sangatsangat buta IT. Sobs.

So I think better pergi buat balik la header baru.

Might not as cool as the first one. But okay la nampak maskulin sikit eceh.

But again. When I tried to upload it. It became like this.

Oh yeah sorry. As you can see the words guna font lain. The original one dah delete. But prob sama. Tone putih background and header tu taksama ! The header's is more grey-er than the background's. 

I set kan full white. ffffff entah berapa kali f nya haha. I even tried satusatu tone putih tu. Can you imagine betapa gila punya susah tu ?!

Again. WHHHYYYYY ??~!!!!

Suddenly tadi. It came to me. Why not I just transparent kan warna header tu so that warna dia sama dengan background ? And why didnt I think of that earlier ? Haih.

So I tried la.

Alhamdulillah ! 

Tadaaaaaa ~! Maka jadi la seperti header sekarang yang tuantuan dan puanpuan nampak ni. Yeeeeeeyyy for me ! *clapclapclap* *bangga*

Although takde la awesome mana. But in future maybe I'll try buat yang lagi awesome ke ? HEHEHE 

Cuz saya takpandai guna bendabenda cam Photoshop tu and takde drawing pad for PC tu. Sobs. Teringin nak ada. Sobs. Hey guys my birthday is on July 10th. But nak sedekah takterhad on birthday je kan ? HEHEHE

Oh sorry for not mention this earlier. Aku guna PicsMonkey untuk edit semua headers ni. Easy and really convenient !

And here's how to make a header using PicsMonkey - SEWMANYWAYS . And here's how to make transparent header using PicsMonkey - thealexandercollective .

Have fun in designing your header guys !



Monday, September 23, 2013



As I mentioned in the previous post. last Sat I went to the masscom interview at UiTM Shah Alam.

Time register dapat nombor group and giliran. Aku group 4 nombor giliran 8. Lepas tu semua gerak to dewan kuliah and buat exam essay.

Alhamdulillah. Few days before dah siapsiap and hafal jawapan for soalan essay ni. Thanks to those yang shared soalan bocor kat blogs. You're my saviour ~!

Essay tu pasal ''what do you know about masscom, why did you choose masscom and what contribution will you do to masscom ?''. In 30 minutes. Yeah fully english.

Dengan confidentnya aku tulis la panjangpanjang. Excited. And memang lumrah aku suka menulis. Its obvious right ? HAHA Boleh kata 1000++ words and done in 20 minutes.

10 minit sebelum masa tamat aku baca la balik soalan. "WRITE 200 WORDS ESSAY...''

DAMN ! Dah takpasalpasal kena potong banyakbanyak ayat ! Dah essay aku takkemas serabut and takberapa nak bombastik dah ! Pandang kirikanan orang lain punya essay smooth je. Nampak la aku ni tak professional. Sobs :'(

Pastu kitorang splits to group, follow this looks like abang faci and berkumpul kat bilik. So in there kitorang berkenalan and borakborak. 

Abang faci tu baik sangat. He shared with us the current issues thats happening in the world. Pasal kes kat Mesir, Syria, US and Rusia. Dia kata nak masuk masscom ni kena ada wide general knowledge. Kau takminat isu semasa pun terpaksa ambil tahu gak. And dia kata soalan ni confirm interviewer tu akan tanya. Since most of us takbaca paper taktengok berita. So he was really helpful. THANKS ABANG FACI !

Then I just realized that I forgot to bring surat beranak parents. Serious nak nangis ! Sobs ! HAHA But seriously memang gelabah ah. But luckily ada akak faci tu kata 

''Itsokay Isnin nanti (today) fax kan kat akak.'' 

Akan ku ingat jasamu ~

When turn aku dah tiba. I entered this room. Ada dua orang interviewer nya. Duadua lecturer. Sorang tu laki looks like Malay. Another one is a female Chinese. 

The whole conversation was also in English.

That guy minta semua dokumen which aku dah kemaskemas susun dalam fail. So I gave him the file. But suddenly dia cam tinggikan suara and said 

''''I nak documents saje taknak fail ni. You separatekan. Asal takasingkan siapsiap ? Faci tu taksuruh eh ?'' 

Aku pun ikut je la ~

Then aku bagitahu la yang sorry aku lupa bawa surat beranak parents. Now si perempuan tu lak cam tinggi suara and said

''No ! You MUST bring the documents. Or else I cant interview you.'' 

Aku pun explained yang akak faci tu dah kata nanti Isnin boleh fax kan kat dia. So she said ''Alright then''.

Semua ni saje je nak gertak aku ni. Aku chill. Tapi nervous gila ! So aku awalawal bagitahu.

''Sorry if I look nervous. I am but excited at the same time. And actually I'm really hungry ! Usually I ate heavy food in the morning but I just had horlicks because I was rushing to get here.'' HAHAHA But because of that. Tersasul gak BM BI aku =,=

P = Interviewer perempuan
L = Interviwer laki
M = Me

L : Tell me about yourself.


P : Who's the Chief Minister of Penang ?

M : Lim Guan Eng

P : Very good. Who's the Minister of Transportation ?

M : Tan Sri Hishamuddin

P : Very good. Who's the Minister of Health ?

Ni aku kantoi ! Takexpect soalan ni ! But kawan kata kalau taktahu jawapan jawab je TAKTAHU dengan CONFIDENT !

M : I dont know what's his name but I'm very sure its a man and a Chinese.

P : Yes its a man but no he's a malay. Well itsokay.

L : Whats the current issues that happening in the country ?

Nasib baik in country. So aku pun story la pasal isu gengster tu.  Polis isytiharkan perang habishabisan and ada Ops Cantas. Gengster semua nak lari to Thailand but ramai kena tahan gak. And semua nak tukar tatu untuk confuse kan polis.

P : Very good. Now give me one group of gangster.

HALAMAK ! Ni pun aku taktahu ! But nasib baik time tu terlintas kat otak. Ada 1 contengan kat dinding sekolah ayat ''GANG 69''. So aku jawab je lah Geng 69.

P : Very good. 

That vandalism has saved me ! THANK YOU to whoever yang conteng dinding tu ! HAHAHA

Then dia start borak.

''Y'know at my son's school ah got gangster. But only form 2 one woah. Still a kid already want to enter gangster group. If they dont like you they'll call you and ask for money. Teachers are all very scared and cant do a thing cuz they have a gangster group. BLABLABLABLABLABLABLA''

At first aku ingat dia nak borak ni like a good sign la dia selesa nak berborak dengan aku. But then I realized.

''What if this conversation is also a test ? Maybe to test aku boleh interact dengan diorang ?''

So aku pun join la the conversation.

''Really ?! Just form 2 already be a gangster ?! What are they thinking ?! Whats happening to the kids these days ?! BLABLABLABLABLA''

Dia nak aku sembang kencang. I gave them sembang kencang. HAHAHA

And finally.

P : Alright I think I got no more question for you. You may leave now.

L : Wait. I have one last question for you. What did you do selama you tak study ni ?

At first aku nak bagitahu yang aku kerja handle baucer BR1M and baucer buku kat BSN dulu tu. But then terfikir. Kang dia tanya pasal baucer BR1M and president of BSN ke apa lagi lak kan. Elokelok the interview is about to end kang sambung lagi.

M : I helped my mom with her works'

Time introduction tu aku mention that my mom is a tailor.

P : WOW So you can sew ah ? Baju melayu baju kurung ?

M : A lil bit only la I'm still an amateur.

So begitu la interview nya tamat ~ FUUUUUUHH ~! 

Then aku masuk balik to bilik berkumpul tadi. Diorang semua tanya how was it apa soalan dia tanya semua la. Aku pun story lah.

Diorang takpuas hati. Sebab diorang semua kena tanya soalan gila punya killer. Soalan berduyunduyun lak tu kena tembak. Masingmasing kena soalan lainlain.

''Sape PM Mesir, PM Syria, PM Jepun, PM Thailand, apa jadi kat Nagasaki, Malaysia VS Singapore dulu berapa score, sape coach sukan itu ini, sape Chancellor, Pro Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of UiTM, sape Dekan Fakulti Masscom kat UiTM sape sultan Perak, sape 2 orang PM yang lahir kat Kedah and BLABLABLABLABLA"

I'm not sure if I was just lucky. Or interviewer tu yang dah malas nak layan aku. Sobs.

Anyway. Seriously. Semua candidates sangatsangat HOT ! HAHAHA Semua dress up smart, branded, up to date, ada fashion sense and looks sophisticated, confident and charismatic. The way diorang talk pun superb. And mostly ada experiences in this kind of stuff before. Like dulu kat sekolah ada masuk kelab majalah or kewartawanan and stuffs.

I dont know if I'm really layak bagitahu ni ke tak. But based on my experience sehari tu. To those yang nak pergi interview masscom nanti. Here're some tips for you.

- DO YOUR HOMEWORK ! Usha blogs, tengok soalan bocor and google or ask people either budak masscom or just sapesape for their opinion for the answers. Then practice tulis jawapan and hafal. List menteri kabinet, sultan, perdana menteri, chancellor, pro chancellor Uni, dekan fakulti masscom kat Uni, all those stuffs kena hafal gak.

- ALERT WITH THE CURRENT ISSUES ! Seminggu sebelum interview tu beli la newspapers harihari and tengok la berita pagi tengahari and malam. Sounds painful but bear with it ! Seminggu je pun.

- DRESS TO IMPRESS ! There is never a second chance for first impression. So dress up smart cun habis kasi nampak profesionalisme tu. But jangan la over sangat like make up over or ah you get it. Etika pemakaian kena follow. Google for the proper dress code.  

- BE CONFIDENT ! As my friend kata, taktahu apa jawapan for the question, jawab je dengan penuh confident, TAKTAHU. Jangan ERM or ERRR. Jawab tu pandang mata interviewer. Nervous tu biasa. But try to overcome it or control it.

- BREAKFAST ! Kalau korang jenis yang kena sarapan like me la. Yang dah biasa takbreakfast tu takpayah maybe. Takut kang sakit perut lak time interview.

- BE POLITE ! Ketuk pintu sebelum masuk, bagi salam kalau interviwer Islam, salam tangan kalau interviewer mahram, tanya ''may I seat here ?'' jangan main duduk je. Interviewer akan cuba provoke but dont lose your cool. 

- SEMBANG KENA KENCANG ! Abang faci tu kata nak jawab interview ni kena pandai cakap. Cakap je asalkan make sense and bukan loyar buruk. Jangan jujur sangat ! Like kalau dia tanya why choose masscom and you jawab because ni last choice you and you sebenarnya takminat pun masscom and kau pi kata camtu. Interviewer akan bash kau. Unless you're not so desperate nak sambung study. Kalau hal pasal background kau bantai je lah. Like kau boleh kata yang kau ada blog selalu share macammacam kat situ. Padahal kau takde blog pun. Bukan dia tahu kau tipu ke tak.

- DOA ! Doa supaya dipermudahkan urusan kau di dunia dan akhirat. Doa supaya kau diberi segala yang terbaik di dunia dan akhirat. Doa supaya interviewer tu baikbaik and tanya soalan senangsenang. Doa supaya otak kau ligat pantas fikir jawapan bernas. Doa supaya kau tenang nak jawab. Do your best and let Allah do the rest.

Overall. ALHAMDULILLAH Everything's fine.

So now I let Allah do the rest. And pray for the best. 

In Shaa Allah :)