Wednesday, November 6, 2013



An awesome friend of mine, Hilman just posted this on Facebook. 

Honestly aku pun baru tahu pasal ni ! And actually its TRUE ! Thus buat aku rasa berminat nak kupas and share isu ni ECEEEEHH ayat.

Fluoride ni sebenarnya bahan kimia yang highly toxic. In fact, before fluoride disifatkan as a cavity fighter, it was used as racun serangga and racun tikus ! 

Fluoride is a pollutant - a by-product of copper, iron and aluminium manufacturing. In th 1930's, a study funded by one of the largest aluminium companies menyatakan yang fluoride ni berkesan dalam menghalang kerosakan gigi. And bila diorang buat lagi research, bila fluoride ni ditambah dengan air, gigi akan jadi lebih sihat dan bersinar gitu.

Well, kalau nampak dari luarannya, memang la gigi nampak lebih bersih. But what fluoride actually does is menghakis gigi !

According to the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health. 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the U.S. were studied in the mid-80's. And the results showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

Meanwhile, tooth decay trends tracked by the World Health Organization from 1970 to the present show that the incidence of decayed, missing or filled teeth has been steadily in decline with each passing year in the U.S., France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Iceland and Greece. Malaysia ? Wallahualam.

So kenapa jumlah kerosakan gigi menurun ? Jawapan yang paling jelas is for sure a better oral hygiene and improved dental practice. Bukannya sebab fluoride. Sebab antara semua negara-negara yang dinyatakan kat atas tu, cuma Amerika je yang tambah fluoride dalam public water supply diorang !

Bila you consume too much fluoride, not only your teeth can become discolored and crumble. Your mind and body pun terjejas sama !

In tests on laboratory animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain's absorption of aluminum. Which can cause Alzheimer. 3 kajian osteoporosis yang berbeza telah dikaitkan dengan keretakan pinggul with fluoridation. Also, excessive fluoride boleh menyebabkan kerosakan to sistem otot dan saraf, which leads to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits ! And lets not forget. Kanser tulang !

Dont bother on wondering why the government halalkan bahan yang merbahaya ni. Semua permainan politik. Its absolutely impossible and nonsense if diorang boleh terlepas pandang such crucial info.

Persetankan iklan gigi yang dengan comelnya berkata ''BELILAH UBAT GIGI DENGAN FLUORIDA ~!' ! If produk kesihatan gigi tu bagitahu yang it mampu kasi gigi lebih cerah dengan cepat. That means that it contains lots of fluoride.

Although its true that in the world nowadays, fluoride ni takboleh nak elak sangat sebab kat udara yang tercemar pun actually contain fluoride. So what can we do is to minimize the kuantiti penerimaan atau pengambilan fluoride. Dont worry ! Takpernah langsung wujud kes fluoride deficiency.

As my friend stated above. 
"Kenapa ubat gigi seperti Mukmin dan Halagel berani kata 'ubat gigi kami tiada fluorida' ? Sebab mereka Islam dan tidak diajar penganiyaan"

Indeed the power of the media and advertisement is unimaginable. 

So now what should we do ? BERTUKAR lah kepada UBAT GIGI yang TIADA FLUORIDA ~

Anyway, a friend suggested me to read The Deadly Mist by Jerry D. Grey. A book yang membongkarkan rahsia Amerika merosakkan umat manusia by entertainment, kesihatan, pemakanan, perang and so much more. Have you read it ?


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