Friday, September 28, 2012



MY favorite games of all time ! Yes. MY ! So you can always click the cute lil red X box on top right of your screen instead of criticizing my personal interest which I knew they're quite boring for some and classic too but for me, they are SUPERB !


EPIK NOSTALGIA ! Very popular in the old days. When I was 5-6. Forgot the type of the game console. But with a gun. Dah takjual rasanya. The game's quite easy. You're a hunter. With a dog. Some ducks (I thought they're birds !)  gonna fly in the air. You'll be hiding somewhere. Shoot those birds. And your dog gonna kutip ducks yang jatuh tu and show it to you. Dapat score. Dulu ingat lagi kalau I won I'll do that typical cowboy cool pose. Tiup pistol tu konon berasap. GEMPAK isu 309 1 Oktober 2012 in Game Review ada kata that this game is available on Android for free ! Boring ? Kids these days cant really define the word BORING properly can they ? 

                                       HARVEST MOON: BACK TO NATURE

Available on Play Station 1 which my bro bought when I was 10. The original Harvest Moon. You're gonna ambil alih ladang atuk yang dah terbiar and have to 'hidupkan' balik ladang tu. Grow crops, bela and ternak binatang, explore the town yang banyak rahsia, berkawan dengan penduduk kampung, join events, ada 4 seasons and each ada cabaran tersendiri, memasak, bina rumah, ngorat awek, get married and A LOT MORE ! The mayor gave you 3 years and if you failed, its a game over. But if you succeed. The game's endless ! People says its really boring since its farming and ternak binatang and so peaceful takde gaduh perang lawan and such plus masa dalam game ni sangat slow nak habis kan 3 tahun tu but I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH ! I still remember that my PS1 broke when I was 13. Due to kesangapan yang teramat sangat. I sanggup pergi rumah kawan kat Sunway Semenyih and bought his PS1 for just RM100 ! Just to play this game ! Harvest Moon yang banyak versions sekarang ni takboleh compare with this one ! Although I must admit yang aku nak sangat main semua versi yang terbaru tu.

                                                POKCKET MONSTER

I know. I know. Ramai kata nama singkatan game ni ada maksud Yahudi. Though I'm still meragui kesahihannya. And maybe thats why cerita ni kat TV9 guna nama Jepun dia ? Safer ? Apaapa pun lets use real name dia. POCKET MONSTER ! Sape takkenal or takpernah main game ni ? Awww so rugi la you ! Honestly. I've only played the Red, Gold and Emerald Version. Actually semua sama. But Emerald je lain sikit. And actually. The Emerald Version je la yang aku main on Game Boy Advance. The Red and Gold Version downloaded on PC. Best part of this game is the secrets ! But yang takbestnya. Bila nak kumpul other Pocket Monsters, kena ada connecting wire or something and connect dengan member lain yang tengah main game Pocket Monster version yang lain. And ada some places yang cuma accessible dengan items yang limited edition and only available on certain events yang takde kat Malaysia. Comment ? Takperlu diceritakan lagi cara main game ni or what is it about so I'm just gonna say, BEST ! But versions yang baru sekarang ni semua available only at konsol yang lebih dahsyat dari segi harganya. Nak main sangat oh !

                               SUMMON NIGHT: SWORDCRAFT STORY 2 

Available on Game Boy Advance. Bought after recommended by a friend. And its worth buying ! Choose your gender. You're a kid from a small village yang 1 day terjumpa something and you decided to choose which spirit that can be summoned time lawan. You can choose your own weapon, upgrade or gabungkan your weapon with some materials and the whole story depends on your choice. The characters' designs are great, story line pun bagus, everything is SANGAT AWESOME ! Except when I couldnt finish the game because I lost my GBA !

                                   FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANCE

I cant remember when but its all started when I borrowed a long-lost friend of mine, Amirin Sofi's pen drive untuk buat apa entah. Then terjumpa la game ni so copied to my PC. Played it and fall in love with it ! The first Final Fantasy I've ever played and its not the original version of Final Fantasy but seriously, no other versions can compete this one ! You had a lil bro yang lumpuh, a girl friend yang rambut putih and because of taknak dipanggil weirdo terpaksa everyday dye rambut dia merah, and a friend yang kehilangan mak and tinggal dengan ayah yang banyak hutang. One day, your friend bring this weird book yang I wonder why dia beli buku tu, read it and that night, the whole city change to a place like in a game. There, you're alone and boleh bina group aka clan. You've to do missions, fight monsters and soon, you'll meet your friends back. While you nak sangat balik ke dunia asal but your friends taknak and halang you because they all can be whatever they wanna be that they couldnt be in the real world. The best thing about this game is that there are so many jobs, missions, weapons, skills and story line. Main balik lepas menang for the first time dulu sebab baru tahu ada banyak lagi secrets yang baru tahu after searched it on the internet !

                                           RAGNAROK ONLINE

Started playing this when my bro downloaded it on PC. A private server HEHE Saya peminat tegar GEMPAK so banyak baca about the latest games yang memang gempak in every aspects but all those MMORPG games takberjaya buat cinta saya pada game ni pudar. There are tons of jobs and each jobs boleh naik pangkat lagi, missions, weapons, items, secrets places and monsters. But the best part of this game for me is joining clans ! Meet real people, chat with them, do missions and fight monsters together. Truly a wonderful feeling. But I guess game ni dah takde or if ada pun susah nak jumpa. MISS it so much. Last main time form 3. Because PC suddenly broke down. My bro said virus. Yelah. Pirate Server kan. I cant really express the perfect word to describe this game. Thats it ! PERFECT !

                                          PERSONA 3 FES & PERSONA 4

THE BEST OF THE BEST ! You and your friends can summon a spirit called Persona. Each persona menggambarkan diri orang tu. And macam setiap game. Ada misi. I really love the characters' designs and the story line. And what I love the most about the game is. Game ni mengetengahkan yang setiap orang ada cerita tersendiri. I believe that ramai antara kita ni just faking ourself, ada masalah tersendiri, zaman silam yang menghantui, realiti yang takdapat diterima,takkenal diri sendiri dan macammacam lagi rahsia diri yang kita taknak orang tahu. In this game, semua tu ada beserta solusinya. You kena berkawan dengan orang tu dengan lebih rapat lagi so that kuasa anda lebih kuat, dapat kenal karakter tu lebih mendalam and kukuhkan ikatan persahabatan tu. Seriously. Game mana lagi yang ada nilai camtu ? PERSAHABATAN and KENALI DIRI SENDIRI.

There're so many versions of Persona. For Persona 3, there's Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES. Highly recommended for Persona 3 FES sebab ada sambungan cerita yang tiada dalam Persona 3. Persona 3 lebih kepada kawasan bandar and spirit tokoh or dewa Barat Yunani gitu la. Persona 4 lak lebih kepada kawasan kampung and the spirits are more to Japanese gods and goddess. Personally, Persona 4 lebih ringan, lebih senang difahami jalan cerita, dapat feel the glorious zaman remaja and the strong bond of friendship. I LOVE IT SO MUCH THAT I CRIED in some sad events and the ending.

Seriously. Feel like buying and playing all of them again ! Nostalgia. Memori. Err. I did it again right ? Still made a post yang panjang berjela. Sorry. And thanks for reading.


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