Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Since the past 3 weeks. I had a really terrible cough and a high fever. Not to mention my allergy has gone quite serious. So last Friday I went to see a specialist, Doktor Sakinah at Hospital Ampang Putri. Surprisingly. I had a pneumonia. A condition where my right lung have an inflammation and a virus infection.

So I was admitted to the hospital. Alhamdulillah my dad booked me a personal room. Actually because of my horrible cough and dont wanna disturb other patients. The meals were great haha. Every 4 hours or so theres a nurse come in and check me up. The TV got Astro but only a few channels available. Theres also Wifi available. And the hospitality there was really great. But still. BORING !

I cant leave the room. So I missed the fresh air outside and missed nak jalan merata tempat. So I beg my dad to discharged earlier. The doctor said that I have to be warded for at least 2 weeks ! Sehari pun taktahan ! After a few times of begging and begging to the doctor. She let me discharged on yesterday evening. Alhamdulillah. Although I still have to do a follow up check up.

Thanks so much for those who were praying and wishing me to get healthy soon cepatcepat sembuh and all that. I really really really appreciate it.


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