Thursday, January 5, 2012



Halah lantak lah terlambat post ke hapa.

Semalam like semua dok kecoh kat fb, sesi persekolahan 2012 bermula ! HO YEAH ! Yang dah graduate tu diam-diam la pi la kerja or do something worthy biarkan kami bergembira dengan alam persekolahan. So bermula lah pengembaraan baru saya sebagai seorang senior dan calon SPM 2012 ! 

Pagi-pagi lepak dengan kawan dah lama tak peluk-peluk gelak-gelak. Saw Zaffir's new kasut kulit. Look huge so tanya kat mana beli. Cuz I should be wearing one but memang krisis dilema tahunan pasal saiz kasut. Went to KL the other day just to search for my kasut kulit yang bersaiz 13 ! And mission failed. Rupanya kaki dia saiz 11 je. Mine bigger. They called me badut. Damn sape yang ilhamkan badut pakai kasut besar like Mr McDonald.

My new monsta look with all of these cute little red cherries on the face make my confident jatuh lah. But ramai puji my new hairstyle THANKS ! And ramai cakap saya dah chubby but hey lama-lama pastu cengkung balik lettew. But my new baju kuning makes me look more fatter and bigger than I really am. Afiq, anak ketua guru disiplin suruh aku kecilkan baju tu sikit. Thanks Allah my mom pandai jahit. So I WILL !

Guru kelas is Puan Rohani Ismail our last and this year Biology teacher. NICE ! The new class memang SEMPIT ! With 47 manusia and 1 campur cikgu in it memang teresak-esak jantung nak hirup oksigen. Wondering how's Zaffir doing cuz well sumpah bukan nak hina but he's big so kesian kat dia nak lalu lalang dalam kelas sebab laluan kecil sangat. Aku nak lalu pun kena jalan cam ketam. But hey I'm a Cancer. Meja tak cukup sampai I have to share meja dengan Syukri. Time agama lagi lah ! Semua budak Islam Sains 2 menyempit masuk. Have to rearrange the places arrangement. Kelas agak buruk dan huru-hara (HEHE the Little Dino mesti marah bila baca ni AMPUN !) Plan for the class deco finished already and surely (hopefully) its (gonna be) AWESOME ! Of course we'll do some make over after this A.S.A.P. as soon as kitorang dah discuss dengan budak petang and collect duit semua. Budak sesi petang is 2 Bakti so I think (again hopefully) dapat capai kerjasama. Syakirah kata kalau diorang taknak dengar perintah kasi tapak sebab kita dah senior HAHA

If last year, dalam kelas aku seat belakang sekali. Dalam makmal Fizik and Chemist pun seat belakang sekali. This year ALHAMDULILLAH dapat berebut booked meja depan sekali ! Hopefully tak tertidur in those subjects dan dapat fokus lebih. By the way, its so funny to see those yang last year seat depan sekali but this year seat belakang sekali. Well kami dah bersabar selama setahun dan inilah hasilnya !

Then bagi 3 buah novel to a friend. Ombak Rindu by Fauziah Ashari, Versus by HLOVATE and another one is an Islamic book, Armageddon 2012 by Muhammad Alexander. All of  'em are some the BEST in my collection so go and buy them now ! Danial's guarantee of 100% satisfaction ! Except that Ombak Rindu. I dont know. Watched the movie already but apo sedihnya ? My mom pun boleh nangis but control ayu. My friend said she once got the novel and had done reading it but after movie tu keluar, she watched it, teringat ada scenes yang tak ada dalam filem tu, she wants to read the novel back but novel dia hilang. So dia minta belikan haha. By the way, poor Haziqah, Atiqah and Alif sebab turun kelas. But maybe that's the best for them. Takde la gangguan (maybe) so diorang boleh la more focus on study. 

Lucky of them dapat Puan Siti Dora, the best add math teacher that Engku Husain have. She's cute but tegas. Most tak suka ketegasan dia dalam mengajar. But if only semua boleh nampak apa yang dia impikan. She's a best friend to my aunt since form 6. My aunt said that she's always at the top in add math dulu. She knows that this subject is really tough but conquered by most of the Chinese while most of the Malays are so lazy to learn it (including me. its a FACT !) Jujurlah. Berapa ramai cikgu Melayu yang pro in add math ? Not only pro in it but also a pro to share and teach it to the students. Engku Husain pun got only 4 add math teachers. 2 orang Melayu and 2 orang Cina. Puan Siti Dora is one of 'em and another Malay teacher is ours. Sorry to say this but to be completely honest, dia tak pandai mengajar add math. Not systematic. Sekejap err err err. She's gentle lembut je bila bercakap but bila perli directly straight to the heart kena shoot. 2 orang lagi cikgu Cina. Cikgu cina lelaki tu memang respect gila cuz memang mesra alam lah ! Sempoi je gelak-gelak happening fun belajar dengan dia tahun lepas. Pandai Arab tuuu ! But sadly dia ajar pun tak sampai seminggu gantikan cikgu yang cuti bersalin. Another one is cikgu cina perempuan. Dia memang PERGH ! Scary. Thats the only word that I can say to describe her. Plus most cikgu Cina lebih pentingkan bangsa diorang. I'm not racist but I'm telling from experience. So actually Puan Dora nak budak Melayu success in this subject. She try her very best to make it simple, easy and fun but at the same time tak terlalu manjakan sangat budak Melayu yang sejujurnya memang dah dimanjakan sangat. If only semua boleh faham visi dia.

Kalau dulu balik je sama-sama dengan Kamarul, Keybieyy and Ras sisters. But this year diorang semua dah graduate so balik sama-sama dengan Ras je. Kalau aku ada motor lebih memang aku dah kasi dia bawak aku pergi balik sekolah HAHA

I think enough la aku membebel for now. Dah jadi budak sekolah. Baru hari ke 2 kerja rumah dah bertimbun. Gotta kill the holiday mood cepat-cepat.


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