Wednesday, April 16, 2014



Yup ! Its my first semester break now ! Since last 5hb till June ! 2 MONTHS ! WEEEEE ~! 

Too long ? Well UiTM standard ah. Though thats why kitorang graduate lambat compared to IPTSs. But time flies so fast. Liplapliplap daaaaahhh esok nak masuk sem 2. NOOOOOO ~!!!  

Anyway. What to do ? So here're my wish lists or plans during this sem break. 


Honestly yeah. Its reaaaallyy embarrassing to go out even nak pergi Pekan Semenyih tu. With this problematic face haha. Apatah lagi nak hadap members. Sangatsangat low esteem dah aku. My mom kata ''Takde hidung ke nak malu ?'' HAHA 

But alhamdulillah. My acne skin is getting better. So for now I kena buat rawatan intensif for my face ! In Shaa Allah target naik sem 2 nanti muka dah bersih lagi banyak. Please. Do pray for me SOBS 

In Shaa Allah one day if my skin has recovered. I'll make a post about it. What did I do. What product did I use. What kind of treatment that I did.


Sadly last week dah kemaskemas bilik punya bersihbersih punya. Dah siap tu I baru teringat. I didnt snapped the before pic of the room yet ! Takkan nak sepahkan balik, take a snap and kemas balik ? 

So if sooner or later I wanna make a post about it. I cant show you the before pic. Oh well. That would be better. Trust me. You dont wanna see it !

Last week I just kemaskemas je. Takde decorate hardcore sangat pun. Banyak la harta karun jumpa. But wow. It looks a lot more spacious than before ! My plan is to cat bilik, pasang langsir baru and get a new cadar katil and sarung bantal. Its gonna be awesome ! I hope.


My biggest problem in shopping for clothes and apparel is searching shoes that fit my size perfectly ! Saiz 12-13 / 48-49 ! Anyone pernah jumpa ? Please tell me !

Kalau ada pun kasut kulit pergi kerja tu. I'm 19 baru meh. Nak la style sikit kan haha. Kalau ada pun. Susah nak cari. Tempah kasut ? Mahal sangat. Beratusratus for just a pair of shoes yang letak bawah kaki, pakai harihari pakai which gonna make it less special and lagi cepat kotor and I dont even know how long will it last. 

The high price might means that its high quality. But still cant fully guaranteed whether it could last long or not. Some does but some doesnt. 

So I think. Rather than buy a pair of shoes yang beratusratus. Why dont I make one ? 

Buy a white sneakers yang available kat kedai pakaian sekolah tu. Hopefully ada la saiz 12-13. Buy some Sharpies. DESIGN EM ~ I can get 2-3 pairs under a hundred ! I guess. 

Ni kalau orang jual sepasang ni mampu cecah RM50. Kalau gigih boleh la design banyakbanyak and jual HEEEE Just hope that my artsy skills still power ECEEEEHH


Ni optional. Kalau rajin buat lah. Just need a cheap white blank shirt and pen Sharpie. Woah suddenly it feels so exciting haha.

Most baju yang aku jumpa. Memang cun. But sometimes mesti ada a design or corak yang mencacatkan the whole baju. So better buat sendiri kan ? My taste. My style.

Me and friend, Zaffir has always dreamed of designing our own clothes and make our own fashion label WALAH So I think that this might be a good start for me.


Haa pasni nak design cap lak ya HAHA Semua benda nak di-design ! Dontcha think that Sharpie is awesome ? 

I think tote bag is really simple, light and cute. Lelaki pun boleh pakai and still look cool.


With my friends from SMK ! Zaman kegemilangan SOBS MISH EM LIKE KREJI !

Budak UiTM semua tengah sama cuti 2 bulan. Budak matrix hujung bulan ni dah start merdeka till Sept. Budak U lain entah lah. Budak IPTS cuti awal Jun. 

Kan awalawal dulu saya dah cakap. Lepas SPM semua busy. Masingmasing dah bertaburan seluruh dunia. Memang susah nak reunite semua SOBS

But we can still meet up on weekend In Shaa Allah. Cuma friends yang kat overseas tu je la. Kita webcam nanti HAHA

Lepak borakborak spend the whole day together at McD tu pun okay je. Masingmasing dah besar. Dah jadi siswa and siswazah dah. Pasni nak tengok sape kahwin dulu HEEEE


I still didnt spend my RM250 baucer buku yet. Planning to go for a book shopping at The Big Bad Wolf Books Fair at The Mines and Kinokuniya KLCC. 

Anyone wanna accompany me ? But I warn you. I can be a real nerd and book lover when I entered those books heaven. I can spend the whole day there. 


In case if you dont know. Seoul Garden is a seafood buffet restaurant. But as far as I know. Only at The Mines je yang ada sushi buffet ! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH ~!!!! Kat Malaysia ni susah benar nak cari sushi buffet yang halal and murah. 


Though I have to wait for my mom's recovery. So for the time being she cant eat anything gatal like seafood. Tak best la kalau dia tak join sama. Praying for my mom's health. Amin.


I LOVE TRAVELLING ! Even jalanjalan kat KL je.

Untuk cuti sem 1 ni. Kita jalanjalan kat tempat yang dekatdekat je dulu. Dah lama tak lepaklepak kat malls. Window shopping. Tengok apa yang baru apa yang ada tengok kerenah rakyat jelata. Jalanjalan cari makan gak.

Its sad that I dont have my own camera. My phone's camera pun gambar tak cun. Takde front camera. Tak mampu nak berselfie HAHA But really. Sekarang ni baru rasa cam photography tu fun. 

Dah semsem berikutnya baru la kita travel jauhjauh sikit WAAAAAHHH


Rumah aku kira dekat la gak dengan Broga Hills ni. Tapi tak pernah pergi ! Sadisnya ! Orang nun nun jauh pun dah pergi SOBS

So I'll ask some friends of mine to be a tourist guide and a friend of mine kat kolej pun nak pergi sama. In Shaa Allah.


Nak tambah stok for next sem haha. I dont really care about my style honestly. But studying and living as a Masscomer kat sana. Like it or not. I gotta be more aware with my fashion sense. Try to adapt with the environment.

I learnt a lot about the student's styles kat sana. But its not me to buy fancy and expensive clothes. I prefer to get the nice and low price ones. Or I'll just have to make one.

But biarlah kita punya dress up je yang berubah. Asalkan still menutup aurat, ikut syariah Islam. And yang paling penting. Personaliti diri sendiri tu tak berubah.


Time The Big Bad Wolf Books Fair last year. I brought 3 cooking books. Which I have try none of the recipes yet ! Since In Shaa Allah next sem I'll move out and stay rumah sewa kat luar. I have to learn masak ! Not that I know how to cook. Just to improve my cooking skills and try out new recipes.

Bought Jamie's Food Revolutions by Jamie Oliver, Going 4 More Greens by Azza Pawanchik and Juicing Smoothies & Blended Drinks by Suzannah Olivier.

Very simple and healthy. I guess thats my style of cooking.

I think thats all. Maybe ada lagi tapi tak terfikir sekarang. So In Shaa Allah every each one of this plan of mine. Can be posted here. Yelah dah lama blog ni tak aktif. Pasni boleh la meriah balik HAHA

Semoga aku dapat penuhi semua wish lists aku ni AMIN

Later ~


Tuesday, April 15, 2014



See ? Dah tukar tajuk. Dah habis pun Semester 1. Takkan nak kekal tajuk ''Life AFTER A MONTH As A Masscom Student'' kan ? Now that I read it again. The previous title does sounds bad. Glad I changed it.

Since this part is the last one. And I did say that its gonna be more controversial and a bit sensitive. And thats exactly why I intended on being late on posting this post. Sebab now dah cuti sem and next sem memang plan nak duduk luar jadi NR - Non Resident. So after this I wont be terikat with any college activities. 

So brace yourself ! Oh sorry. You dont have to. Cuz memang every post aku panjang. Thats my signature TEEHEE


Saya dapat kolej Tun Perak. Where all the juniors of part 1 and Pra-Diplomas are staying. Along with some seniors which are the Mantans, Sekiteriats and JPKs. JPK is like Exco or AJK like Exco/AJK Kebersihan, Disiplin, Kebudayaan etc. Sekiteriats lak is like anak buah bawah JPK. Mantans lak are the previous JPKs. YDP is Yang Dipertua Kolej which is the ketua kolej lah. NYDP is the Naib Yang Dipertua Kolej which is the penolong ketua kolej. Get it ?

Bilik saya 307. Tingkat 3. Fuh gigih nak turun naik tangga harihari. Roommates. Adib from Keramat and Nazhif from Nilai. At first I was hoping to get roommates yang jauhjauh. Baru la fun. I guess. Oh well. Both budak Art and Design major in Photography. Adib is more like a big bro to me. Dia sangat matured. Nazhif lak funny. Both are great guys honestly.

But 3 things yang aku sangat taksuka pasal depa ni. First is that. They are Art and Design's students. Memang sangat ajaib kalau budak AD buat kerja dengan kemas dan bersih. Tapi mereka tiada keajaiban tersebut. I wont blame em for the messy room. Its normal. Aku dulu pun suka melukis mewarna buat arts and crafts ni. I get that. But kalau nak tunggu 2-3 hari baru nak kemas balik. Tu yang agak bengang. Selalu makan pinggan mangkuk sudu garfu cawan tak basuh. A week or two pastu baru dicuci. Plastik sampah pun dah 2-3 plastik bertimbun. Sampai berulat. Baru dibuang. Bukan la aku tak nak tolong kemaskan. Pernah once je aku yang kononnya pembersih ni kemaskan bilik. Tak sampai sehari pastu dah bersepah balik. Plastik sampah tu aku tak guna untuk buang makanan aku ya. But cmon. It was your stuffs man. You're 19 already. Be more responsible and pembersih la sikit. I aint your maid. 

Secondly. Both are smokers. Nazhif cuma smoke bila stress. Adib yang heavy smokers. Bangun pagi nak smoke. Before tidur nak smoke. Pergh. Paling taktahan sebab depa smoke kat dalam bilik ! Memang la sometimes tu pintu and tingkap buka. Air circulation elok. But still bau rokok tu melekat. Tidakkah mereka tahu bahawa saya yang menghisap asap rokok tersebut lebih tinggi peluang untuk dapat macammacam sakit ? Still cant blame em. Suara sorang lawan dua. Mana nak menang. But I dont understand one thing. They were able to bought rokok. But cannot afford to buy food ? Siap sedekah rokok dengan members tu. Woah.

I dont mind at all. Kalau members nak minta makanan sikit. Share. Sedekah. Tapi kalau dah ambil takminta izin. Tuan tanah balik nak makan tahutahu je makanan dah habis. Aku yang takde fulus ni nak telan apa ? Padahal duadua tu kaya tu. Memang guwa murka lah. 

After kena camtu. I decided to kept all my foods kat bilik jiran sebelah. Bilik Taufiq ~ Dia kuat makan HAHA tapi dia baik sangat. Selapar mana pun dia. Dia tak pernah sentuh makanan aku. So everytime nak makan aku pergi bilik dia. Thanks so much Taufiq !

Sebab alasanalasan tersebut lah. Every single night. Saya terpaksa nomad. Cari bilik kosong untuk tumpang tidur. Ukhwah. Atau member kata. Melacurkan diri. Tidak. Itu gurauan saje. Kalau boleh nak tidur kat ruang orang lalu lalang depan bilik tu je. Ada tikar getah. Angin malam sejuk sangat. Tapi bahaya. UiTM Lendu. Google lah.

Bilik sendiri bersepah. Panas. Humid. Bau asap rokok. Dan sometimes. Budak AD ni buat kerja sampai Subuh. So lampu taktutup. I cant sleep kalau terang. I might sounds fussy about it. But did yknow that tidur dalam keadaan terang boleh menggalakkan penumbuhan sel leukemia in brain ? Seriously.

So thanks so much ! To Razlan, Taufiq, Amir, Thoriq, Ehsan and Helmi. For sudi dan takjemu membenarkan saya tidur di bilik kalian. Sobs :')

Aku cuma jadikan bilik tu as tempat letak barang and tukar baju. Thats all. Despite all that. Adib and Nazhif are great guys. I admit that. But for some reasons. Now I kinda regret of not knowing them more. Lepak makan or do stuffs together with them. Diorang bukannya kurang ajar or celaka dengan aku. They're kind. But I ran away from them. I didnt face em. I should make em closer. I felt like an idiot that I realized that. I'm not like that. Where had my friendly hyperactive loud and happy go lucky personalities gone to ? What made me blind to see all that ? I'm disappointed with myself.

So Adib and Nazhif. Sorry. And thanks. I'm lost for words. Its even more sad that we never took a pic together huh. Or else I would put it here. 

Usually yang aku nampak. Budak kolej ni. Kalau ada masa free. Tidur (I cant sleep during the day). Study (Thats not me). Main pingpong (Not me). Main kad (Still not me). Main game (Kinda like my stuff but the only game that I have in my laptop now is Skyrim. Its a great game. But lately dah jarang main. Nak main game lain but all the other games yang guys situ main is like war and soccer stuffs. Not me. Any other game recommendation ?), surf the internet (I used a 10GB Umobile broadband but for an unknown reason I dont really like to use it. Membazir) or watch movies on laptop (I dont know why but lately I'm not into movies anymore). Main bola (Idok). Main ping pong (Idok). Skateboarding (Idok ler). Outing (Saving duit woih). So what did I do usually ? I just jalanjalan 2-3 kali setiap level. Usha kehidupan rakyat kolej tu. Sometimes borak pungpangpungpang with my friends.

Shower room. Sadis. Ada 5. Semua takde lock. Harihari mandi kira gamble. Sidai towel kat pintu. Tanda that room ada orang. Tetiba kalau ada pervert. Ah takyah pervert. Guys sini gegilagila. Kang saje je main buka pintu tu. Nah. Keindahan ciptaan Illahi. Although Alhamdulillah. For now. Takpernah kena lagi lah.

Tandas. Around 9 gitu taksilap. But I use em only for buang air kecil. Kalau nak buang air besar. Gigih aku turun tangga. Pergi melabur kat tandas surau bawah. Unlike tandas kat floor aku. Tandas surau odorless. Bersih. Pressure air bagus. Sambil membuang tu boleh berfikir brain storming berimaginasi mencari ilham apa segala bagai. Besides. Kalau dah tengah malam tetiba sakit perut. Kalau buang kat tandas surau. Rasa tenang aman je HEHEHE Kalau kat tandas floor. Banyak sangat kisah hantu itu ini. Takmampu nak melabur dengan aman. Mesti terfikir terbayang itu ini. Tak syok !

Kes kecurian. Banyak. And yet none of em have been solved. The culprit is still out there. Bearing the sin. Watching by Allah S.W.T. Preparing to be judged. I wont blindly accuse anyone. The culprit may be budakbudak kolej tu sendiri either the juniors or the seniors themselves, budak kolej lain, budak Non-Resident or even orang yang tinggal area UiTM Lendu tu. Allah S.W.T. knows better. 

Stuffs like laptops, phones, tablets, wallets. Mostly gadgets lah yang selalu kena curi. Some of the victims memang padan muka lah kena curi. Cuz some of em selalu biarkan pintu tak lock. Even nak lepak bilik kawan or tidur dalam bilik sendiri. Biar je pintu tu wide open. Didnt lock it. Increasing the rate of stuffs from getting stolen and ease the culprit to do his sinful job. Its a basic safety rule ! But the seniors there selalu suruh buka pintu. Konon suruh bergaul. Strengthen the brotherhood. Ikut la propaganda diorang tu. Barang kau hilang and they cant do a thing bout it. 

Unfortunately. Even though kau dah kunci pintu tu. Still boleh berlaku kes kecurian. How ? Well couple of times before. When we had to practiced hakka (continue to read this post till the end), some guys ponteng practice and duduk diamdiam dalam bilik. But kantoi by seniors. Now how can they terkantoi sedangkan bilik tu dah ditutup lampu, senyap sunyi je and pintu lock ? The seniors checked the room by using a magic card. Kidding. Its just a normal kad yang keras like kad ATM tu. They slide it in the space between the lock and the wall tu. Somehow. And vuola (did I spell it right ? ) ! 

And you might say. Simpan la barangbarang berharga dalam loker. You see. Loker kitorang lembik. Made from aluminium or something. Nipis. You can gently knock it and there'll be a huge hole. Hiperbola. Even you dah mangga. The door of the locker can still be opened. Without opening the lock ! How ? I dont know exactly how to explain this. But its super easy. I knew this when once. I stupidly kept the keys inside my locker. Which I usually kept it inside my wallet. And I mangga loker tu. Memang gelabah gila la. Then I remembered that my friend told me that a friend of him once had the same case. And she asked a polis bantuan. Then the polis bantuan came with a huge scissor-like-thingy and patahkan mangga locker tu. As I rushed to see a polis bantuan. I met a senior. I told him about it. And he helped me opened the locker. It was kinda amazing because. Not to humiliate him or anything. Dia kecil and keding. But can easily opened it. Well of course I can do it. But pintu tu akan tercabut sekali. Which gonna cause me a pricey fine. But what made me think was. If orang kecik cam dia mampu buat. Everyone can be the culprit regarding the body size !

Aku sanggup la harihari pergi kolej bawa beg laptop. Takde la berat mana. But seeing the other students pergi kelas lengganglenggok. Bawa beg berisi angin je. And I was like budak darjah 1. Yknow bawa beg 1-2kg. But Alhamdulillah. So far takde barang aku nor my roommates yang hilang.

Budak kolej perempuan pun ada kes kecurian. But diorang punya sikit. And tak berat. From what my girl friends told me. Pencuri tu suka psycho the gegerls. They didnt steal anything valuable. But instead. Diorang curi bendabenda cam sikat, brooch and getah rambut. Ada juga yang pencuri tu like saje tabur bersepahkan bedak. Good guy thief I guess. 

There is NO SAFETY there. Well anywhere pun kau memang berisiko untuk dapat musibah. Just bersangka baik dengan Allah S.W.T. Take it as a test from Him. And always believe that mesti ada hikmah di sebalik everything. 

Dari segi makan. I brought lots of food for stock seminggu and kept em all in a luggage. Every week balik every week renew stok makan. Roti Gardenia Jumbo. Mee Sedap Goreng. Better than any brand of instant noodle. Milo sepeket. Nestum sepeket. Takkan nak minum milo je kan ? Sambal ikan in tin. Tuna with mayonnaise in tin. 

Awal till pertengahan sem. Aku makan semua ni je la all the time. Every day. Every week. And that was one of the reason why I had to go back home every weekend. Nak stabilkan balik nutrisi pemakanan dalam badan ni. With my mom's heavenly cooking ! 

Bukan lah makanan sana mahal sangat. Well Dewan Bentara, the closest dewan makan where the kedaikedai ada, tak mahal cuma. Not worth it. Kedai situ pun cuma ada. Kedai runcit, kedai air, kedai ayam gunting, kedai nasi ayam penyet and pecal lele, gerai burger, kedai nasi campur and kedai fotostat. Dulu aku sangat berjimatcermat kononnya. Saving sangat duit tu. Plus kat situ semua kedai tu takde lauk yang aku boleh makan. I've allergies to lots of stuffs. Kedai nasi berlauk situ pun tak banyak varieties. Ikan cuma ada ikan keli je. Sayur pun mostly dah campur dengan ayam, telur, seafood. Which I'm allergic to. Harihari lauk sama. 

Hujunghujung sem tu baru lah dah tak pandang bekalan makanan. Tak bawa stok makanan dah. Spend harihari kat sana. Saje nak merasa makanan kat sana. So far yang aku pernah makan kat Laksamana, Jebat, Pak Lah, Medan Selera depan UiTM and kedai western kat Taman Intekma. And semua tempat ni jauh lebih berbaloi makan dari kat Dewan Bentara I must say. Laksamana orang kata roti canai dia sedap. Never tried it. But owner kedai nasi campur nya sama dengan owner kedai nasi campur at Bentara rupanya. Cuma kat Laksamana lagi banyak pilihan and tempat pun lagi selesa sikit. Jebat sangatsangat murah and berbaloi ! I once bought nasi putih + kepala ikan patin saiz besar masak lemak + a bit sayur + air limau ais gelas besar = RM5 ! Aku makan kat Tesco nasi putih with kepala ikan patin saiz besar masak lemak tu je pun dah RM5. Jebat memang ramai pelanggan. THE BEST ! Pak Lah ada je kedai nasi gorenggoreng. But I love the western food there. Lamb Chop. RM8.90 ! Mana nak dapek woih kat Selangor ni. Medan Selera depan tu pun banyak pilihan and murah. Kedai western kat luar tu pun berbaloi ah sebab lamb and chicken chop dia besar. Memang all these places agak jauh daripada kolej. But they were totally worth the money !

Induction kolej. Sesi perkenalan juniors dengan seniors kolej. Where juniors kena cari sendiri bilik and which one are the JPKs. Do as they say. Get their signs. Collect all 12 signs. And you're free from the denda. Denda for this sem. Cuci kereta je. But still. RUBBISH ! 

They said its for juniors tahu bilik and muka seniors. Kenal lebih rapat dengan seniors. I do admit that. Kalau dapat yang senang cam depa just minta introduce diri sikit je. Terus dapat sign. Thats great.

Kalau dapat yang susah sikit. Like nyanyi. Tu okay sikit. Aku pernah kena. One of the JPK suruh baca artikel kat paper. After baca 3 words. Kena sebut the word PANT*T. The HELL ! Ada gak budak lain kena. Lari kat koridor wearing kain pelekat, boxer and stokin je. Paling celaka. Kena cium body parts of a senior ! Kalau setakat cium pipi or tangan tu I guess takde lah EEEWWWW sangat. Ada yang kena cium kat atas pusat, atas celah punggung and ketiak ! Ini celaka tahap setan.

There was gotong-royong kolej. Which I must say it was quiet fun. The time when we cuci the Dewan Bentara and the floor was slippery. We slide and dance HAHA And ada sukaneka kolej. Also had a great time. Except the last part. Where all of us had to be shirtless and gather in one place. Then the seniors baling air berbaldibaldi + tepung + telur. 

2 things yang aku sangat culture shock di sini. Bukanlah tahap sosial diorang. Kaki clubbing gay lesbian pengkid gengster bapok. I dont mind at all. Takterpengaruh In Shaa Allah.

First. Laki dan perempuan. Kuat gila mencarut ! Sikitsikit mencarut. Benda kecil pun nak carut. Panggil orang pun dengan cursing words. I do realized that its already a common thing nowadays. But still. A sin is a sin. Why perlu mencarut ? Nak memberi penekanan to statement kau ? I dont get it ! Desperate sangat ke nak lebihkan dosa yang dah melebihi pahala tu ? Nak je aku buat usrah pasal anti mencarut entitled something like ''MIND YOUR WORDS'' kat masjid tu nanti. 

Second. Kita laki dengan laki pun. Tetap ada batasan aurat. Personally. Its a standard view for guys to be shirtless with just shorts or boxer. What I cant stand of is when. Ada yang selamba cool je. Pakai spender. Showing their bulge. What for ? I got that 'thing' too man ! No need to show off ! Or kau nak jual body ? But thats still can be tolerated. Ada gak yang lagi jantan takbertamadun. Punya keyakinan diri yang sangat tinggi. Naked in public. I CANT BRAIN THIS !

My social life there was quite pathetic. I must say. I didnt get really well with others. Quite okay. But I know that I can do a lot better. But I didnt. Dont know why. The other guys were great. Well some of em. But why didnt I get really close with em. I wonder. 

Honestly and seriously. I have no intention of hina or kutuk them at all. I gotta bold this to highlight my sincerity in that statement. You see. I spent most of my time there. Lepak with my friends. Whose apparently. Golongan lembut. Seriously. I'm cool with that. I dont mind at all. I dont care what others think about me. I know myself very well. They are really funny. And spent time with them were lots of fun ! Seriously ! But what I dont really like is when. Spending too much time with them somehow. Makes them think that. I'm one of em. I'm just like em. HELL NO ! See ? Pulaukan diorang salah. Lepak dengan diorang salah. How meh ?

Until now I couldnt understand to the fullest. The concept of brotherhood. That they kept on saying. Semangat 1 kolej tu tetap takde. Still berpuak. Standard la I guess. But diorang cuma ber-brotherhood among genggeng diorang. Tak cuba nak berkawan or tegur budakbudak lain. Cuma yang dirasa cool je diorang lepak sama. Yang kira cam losers ni diorang tak pandang. Thats sad.

Dah penat baca ? Tu semua baru mukadimah. Take a break. Grab a Kit Kat or Snickers. Sian dia ya. Still cant adapt with my blog. The real thing is about to be told. If you're ready. Please. Do continue.

Before aku masuk UiTM Lendu, Melaka ni. Ramai gak kata. ''Habislah kau ~''. ''Hatihati weh''. ''Aku doakan umur kau panjang''. If your conscious to the news and issues that are happening around you. Then you might already know. Apa yang pemes nya UiTM ni.

Its ghost and rasuk stories.

Of course. I wont deny the fact that. Kat manamana je ada makhluk lain besides us. Even sebelah kau tu pun sebenarnya ada mereka.

I asked all of my friends. Yang ada kat seluruh UiTM di Malaysia ni. Seriously. Saya ada wakil kat semua cawangan. I asked each one of em. The same questions.

''Kat UiTM kau ada kes rasuk or hantu ?''

Some ada tapi sikitsikit je. Some have none.

At first. I wonder why. Kat UiTM sini je. Kes camni paling aktif dan berleluasa. Not long after that. The question has been answered. I guess.

''Kat UiTM kau malammalam ada kena buat hakka ?''

''Pebenda hakka tu ? Sushi eh ?''

''Malammalam kitorang buat kerja sendiri je''

Its not something to be proud of when UiTM Lendu, Melaka saje yang ada hakka. Because it come with a horrifying package.

Every Mon's until Thurs's night. Around 10pm till 2am at most. Semua penghuni kolej wajib turun. Practice hakka. For pertandingan in Citrawarna. UiTM punya event. Lawan kolej lain.

We had to do suspicious moves and said an unknown language of words. When I asked what does it mean to some seniors. One said. ''Buat je takyah tanya''. Another said. ''Entah ah tapi buat je lah''. Isnt it absolutely stupid to do and say things that you dont know the meanings and made me more suspicious ?

Awalawal dulu aku pernah refer to imam masjid UiTM Lendu tu. Seriously. I did. Aint lying. I asked. ''Halal ke buat hakka ni ?''. And he told me that. Benda ni dah lama. Ustaz ustazah imam semua against it. But pihak atasan for some reasons like it. And sokong budaya celaka itu. Its sad to hear that. Suara and pendapat para ulama yang lebih arif dalam hal agama Islam. Tak diendahkan oleh pihak atasan yang maybe kurang arif or tak searif para ulama. So he said that. ''Seelokeloknya kalau boleh elakkan la daripada buat. Tapi kalau tak boleh. Buat je. Tapi minta ampun kat Allah S.W.T.''. 

Seriously the words are really suspicious and worrying me. Yelah benda syubhah meragukan. Honestly every time aku practice hakka. Rasa tak sedap je hati ni. Tak aman. Takut la iman and akidah ni terpesong or anything. 

The seniors said that. It was for brotherhood. Tell me. What kind of brotherhood was it. When we had to do suspicious moves, said suspicious unknown language of words, shouted in the middle of the night which said to naikkan semangat and other stupid stuffs ? Apa main congkak ramairamai tak mampu nak powerkan brotherhood ?

This theory of mine might be false. But personally. I think it connects. Hakka and kes rasuk. Hakka originates from the ritual practices by the New Zealand natives. Originally it was to sembah dewadewa mereka. But maybe they found it cool and wanna do it too. I dont know their exact motive of creating such idiotic culture.

Dulu. In the first 4 months I think. Kes rasuk sangat dahsyat. Paling kesian kolejkolej perempuan. Almost every night and every week. Ada je kes rasuk. Sampai ada yang hardcore cam nak bunuh diri lompat bangunan. That what the girls said. They didnt do the hakka stuffs. They did cheers. Like ''Sape kita ? Tun *something* ! Sape kita ? Tun *something* ! Go Go Gooooo Tun *something ~! Weeeee ~~!!" But why did diorang yang kena ? I think that the obvious reason was. Well. The girls knows about it. And I felt really guilty sebab rasa diorang kena rasuk tu sebab us the guys. It was our fault.

Kes rasuk ni kolej lelaki pun kena. Especially us the juniors. Kolej tu pun ramai penghuninya. Ramai dah nampak. Kat tandas. Kat hallway. Seniors halang sapesape naik tingkat tangki air. Itu sarang mereka katanya. 

Alhamdulillah. Aku tak pernah kena. But selalu pintu diketuk. Bila buka takde orang. At first I thought that budakbudak kolej tu mainmain. But later ada senior kata. Ada 'budakbudak' situ main larilari ketukketuk pintu semua orang. Oh thats cute. So bila pintu diketuk. Aku bagi salam. No one answer. Tak perlu la aku buka. Once I locked my door. And suddenly the door open. But no one was in front of my door. I knew that it was the 'kids'. And at that time I was lifting my heavy bag. I said Allahuakbar. Then suddenly the door shut kuatkuat. Automatically siap tolong dikuncikan. Nah nak mainmain dengan aku. Lari la terbakar kau sana. True story. But the brag part was a joke. It was Allah's doing. With his Might.

Its kinda weird when budakbudak laki kolej aku kena mostly after the hakka practice. Ada la gak a few times ada some guys kena. But once. I just got back from usrah kat masjid. And I saw the guys were rushing back into their rooms. It was weird cuz it was still to early for the hakka practice to end. So I asked my friend. He said that. The seniors asked them to go back to their level, ambil wuduk, duduk luar bilik ramairamai and baca Yassin. He said that time tu ada lebih kurang 3 orang kena rasuk sekaligus. 

I tried my very best to hold my laughter. Sumpah lawak ! Nak baca Yassin tu pun nak gelakgelak. No dont get me wrong. I will never menghina Islam.

Just imagine. Benda dah jadi almost every day every week every month every sem. Diorang tahu puncanya. Tapi diorang tetap teruskan. They never learn ! Of course memang ada makhluk lain kat situ. Kat manamana je. But it was like. We provoked 'them'. It was 'their' place. It was us who kotorkan tempat 'diorang'. Kita cuma pendatang yang menjajah tempat 'diorang'. Tu tempat 'diorang' nak lepak rehat dengan aman. Kita memekak malammalam. Of course 'diorang' marah. 

And if I was a ghost. I will also laughed. Yelah. Kau berani seru aku. Bila aku dah datang bawa genggeng aku yang sama nak join the fun. Tahu takut. Ambil Yassin. Balik hadap Pencipta kau. But esok panggil jemput aku lagi.

Right after baca Yassin tu. The seniors made an announcement. Asking us to repeat the Yassin once more. Lagi lah aku tak tahan nak gelak. Have you never felt fear before ? How rude they are ! Tuan rumah nak halau tetamu yang sebenarnya tuan tanah kedaung. Guess diorang drop Sivik dulu. Then diorang suruh semua bilik diazankan setiap 4 penjuru. Pastu barulah diorang pasangkan cam bacaan ayatayat Al-Quran on speaker kuatkuat for the entire night. Kalau tak lagulagu duniawi yang kuat berkumandang sampai Subuh.

After that incident juga lah. Baru lah speaker kolej tu ada laungan azan every time masuk waktu. Kalau tak cuma azan Subuh and Maghrib je ada. Lepas azan tu pun siap ada tazkirah. And speaker tak boleh memekak after 12am I think. Alhamdulillah. Nampak la hikmah di sebalik musibah.

But still. I'm not judging. Who am I to judge people while I myself is not perfect. Well none of us are. But what bothered me was. When kes rasuk student laki jadi. The seniors didnt call ustaz or imam masjid. They just called seniors situ yang claimed to have ilmu dalam kes ni. I'm not saying that they are bunch of amateurs or inexperienced guys. Cuma yang 'merawat' tu are. I dont know how to say this but. Diorang tak melambangkan ilmu agama yang diorang ada tu. Yes they are gifted. But in terms of EQ perangai. Sama tak bertamadun. Sama celaka. Sama jahil. Sama menggila. Usually kita nampak yang merawat orang kena rasuk ni is like. Orang yang alim duduk masjid selalu baca Al-Quran. I might be stereotype. But at least. Perangai tu sopan la sikit. Well. I guess. Most of em la. 

I remember once a senior told me. He was an ex student of a very prestigious Islamic school in the country. He curses a lot. Which surprised me. I told him that I was surprise to know that he was a budak tahfiz. In which he replied. ''Kalau budak sekolah tahfiz je orang kata mesti alim duduk surau hafal Al-Quran. Mesti pakai kopiah songkok berjubah. Cakap sopan elok je. Benci ah camtu !". I was stunted. Every Muslims carry the holy and sacred image of Islam. It is our duty. Especially for budak tahfiz yang I'm sure lagi banyak ilmu dalam hal agama. Of course the stereotype image of budak tahfiz tu boleh ditukar. Like cara pemakaian. But everything has it limit. Ni cara bercakap cara bergaul pun dah camtu. I'm disappointed. Macam you burukkan image budak tahfiz. Sorry I'm not condemning all the budak tahfiz or anything. Seriously no. Just for him alone. IQ without EQ is celaka.

Anyway. Others just did the hakka practice. Maybe cuz they dont have any other choice. Cuz you see. Back then. The JPK Disiplin made rules. In which if you break it. There'll be a fine. Yang melibatkan duit. RM2-RM10 taksilap. I understand it completely. That those rules are made to disciplined us. I have no objection to that. Of course it cost quite much. Especially to those yang family kurang berkemampuan. But kalau tak nak duit melayang takyah la buat salah. Just like hudud. Yang menentang tu sebab diorang bersalah. Kalau taknak kena potong tangan or denda lain. Takyah buat jenayah. Rules are made to discipline and civilize people. By scaring them from making crimes. I guess. 

Back to the college rules.

One of those rules were. Kalau balik kolej sebelum pukul 11pm. Denda RM5. I pernah kena sekali. But the JPK said it himself. If I remember it correctly. ''Sorry ah aku buat camni kat korang. Tapi aku buat ni bukan sajesaje. Nak disiplinkan korang''. Bila orang dah cakap camtu sejuk la sikit hati kan. Like dia betulbetul ikhlas buat kerja dia. 

But after that. Aku join usrah kat masjid. Niat asal memang sebab nak lari from hakka. And sometimes dapat makan free ! Ish ish ish. Niat salah. Shame on me. But later hati ni rasa best je join usrah. Mendalami ilmu agama. Which obviously a lot better to do than practicing hakka. 

But I met members baru. Great seniors like Abang Faizal Ismail, abang YDP Tourism and seniors Masscoms yang saya dah lupa namanya mohon keampunan HAHA 

As a masscomer yang memang sinonim dengan social life yang mostly hardcore. Its kinda tough to live and adapt to the environment. So you gotta lebih dekatkan diri dengan Allah S.W.T. So that you wont tersasar or terjerumus ke bendabenda bodoh. Well bukan Masscom je yang sosial. Ada je courses lain yang sama hardcore. And bukan sebab kau masscomer je kau patut dekatkan diri dengan Pencipta kau ya !

Back to the hakka practice. 

Even though dah join usrah. Which end usually around 11pm to 11.30pm. The hakka practice is still on. So what did I do ? Kalau sangat malas nak ponteng tu. Datang je la redah je. Practice je la kejap. Kalau nak ponteng tu. Lepak kat tasik or manamana. Bila dengar or nampak dari jauh bunyi motor or kelibat polis bantuan ronda. Cepatcepat nyorok. Macam banduan. Sebab students arent allowed to merayau area U after 1am. Even kalau study or lepak kat library or masjid. The polis bantuan will halau and switch off the lamps. Sambil menyorok tu text la member. ''Hakka dah habis ke belum ? Kalau dah habis bagitahu.'' HAHA Once a senior pernah ajak lepak kolej dia. Sekali je la berani. Sebab segan ah HAHA

Its painful and tak aman hidup when I had to do this every single night. But that life as a banduan didnt last long.

One day the senior made an announcement. Sape nak masuk team koir for the Citrawarna event. I know that koir is like singing in a group with high pitch vocal and stuffs. But I'm not good in singing at all. And I know nothing about singing ! But my friends forced me. The senior said that sape dah masuk koir tak perlu masuk hakka dah. So I thought. Daripada buat hakka and setiap malam nyorok cam pelarian. Better masuk je la koir ni. Nyanyi je pun. So I did.

We sang Khayalan by V.E. & Ruffedge. It was a really great and beautiful song. At first I was in the Alto line. Dalam koir kitorang ada line bass, alto and tenor. Bass ni vocal range dia paling rendah. Alto biasabiasa or tengah. Tenor vocal range paling tinggi. But then aku masuk line tenor. Tak sangka vocal range aku tinggi hewhewhew. But every line completed the koir. Without any of em the song gonna sound horrible. Although we practiced a bit longer than the hakka. It was really fun and we enjoyed it. Time lawan tu. We got the 3rd place. Which really made us proud. Sebab most of us are amateurs. Tak pernah nyanyi in public. Tak pernah nyanyi properly. Tak pernah masuk koir. And we were the only male and junior group ! A huge thanks to tenaga pengajar kami. Kechik, Epul, A'an, Addin, Taufiq and Shahiran. Who taught us a lot about singing with the right techniques. I met lots of friends too. Although sadly and for unknown reason. We only communicate during the practice. And after that we dont. As a whole it was a really great experience.

Sadly no one recorded our performance ! Though it stays in my mind. But I cant share it haha. And I thought that I could post a vid from YouTube about the Hakka Kolej Tun Perak. Kat YouTube memang ada dah. Uploaded by a senior, Kamal. But tak boleh lak nak upload kat sini. 

Yes it was absolutely awesome havoc superb meriah and all. With the girls shouted. Naikkan semangat lagi. I admit that. Applause and a job well done to you guys. Although sadly tak menang. In which the seniors said was just because of the obor.

I guess this pretty much sums up everything about my life at Kolej Tun Perak in semester 1. Its not really that bad actually. I guess it was just me who didnt enjoy it to the fullest. And didnt fully adapt or accept the new environment. But it was a great experience and it was one of the process of maturity.

Anyway. Lots of love to all my friends and everyone yang mengenali diri ini. And mohon keampunan kalau ada salah silap. Adib, Nazhif, Taufiq, Shamil, Amar, Razlan, Kekwa, Amir, Kudin, Shazwan, Thoriq, Qayyum, Dome, Amirul, Ehsan, Kimi, Beto, Fakhri, Helmi, G-Oi, Ken, Hanif, Syafiq, Haikal, Zakuan, Emir, Izwan, Ayien, Bob, Farid, Daniel, Aizat, Rizuan, Ridzuan koir, Faiz, Faiz pra-dip, Alif AD, Rafiqin, Moi. Ah semua lah HAHAHA Wish we could spend a lot more time together. Sobs.

Most of em gonna pindah next sem. Sobs. Gonna miss em. Sobs. Take care. Jangan nakalnakal. May we meet again In Shaa Allah. Yang dapat jumpa next sem tu. Till we meet again In Shaa Allah.  

I do realized that. Someone from the college might criticize this opinion of mine. But this is my personal honest and non-bias point of view. Once a senior told. Kalau ada apaapa tak puas hati boleh gentle cakap depandepan. But seriously. How can you ensure that our voice can be heard with that ego and pride ? A lecturer that I respect, Sir Anwar once said. "Satusatu negara tu memang sepatutya ada pihak pembangkang. Kalau tak kerajaan takkan nampak kelemahan sendiri. Cuma pembangkang je mampu nampak keburukan pihak kerajaan. So that kerajaan mampu betulkan apa yang salah pada diri mereka". So take it as an opinion or teguran from me. I'm so sorry for any pihak yang terasa or rasa aku kurang ajar or anything. I'm deeply apologize.

LIFE AS A JUNIOR MASSCOMER officially ends here !