As I mentioned in the previous post. last Sat I went to the masscom interview at UiTM Shah Alam.
Time register dapat nombor group and giliran. Aku group 4 nombor giliran 8. Lepas tu semua gerak to dewan kuliah and buat exam essay.
Alhamdulillah. Few days before dah siapsiap and hafal jawapan for soalan essay ni. Thanks to those yang shared soalan bocor kat blogs. You're my saviour ~!
Essay tu pasal ''what do you know about masscom, why did you choose masscom and what contribution will you do to masscom ?''. In 30 minutes. Yeah fully english.
Dengan confidentnya aku tulis la panjangpanjang. Excited. And memang lumrah aku suka menulis. Its obvious right ? HAHA Boleh kata 1000++ words and done in 20 minutes.
10 minit sebelum masa tamat aku baca la balik soalan. "WRITE 200 WORDS ESSAY...''
DAMN ! Dah takpasalpasal kena potong banyakbanyak ayat ! Dah essay aku takkemas serabut and takberapa nak bombastik dah ! Pandang kirikanan orang lain punya essay smooth je. Nampak la aku ni tak professional. Sobs :'(
Pastu kitorang splits to group, follow this looks like abang faci and berkumpul kat bilik. So in there kitorang berkenalan and borakborak.
Abang faci tu baik sangat. He shared with us the current issues thats happening in the world. Pasal kes kat Mesir, Syria, US and Rusia. Dia kata nak masuk masscom ni kena ada wide general knowledge. Kau takminat isu semasa pun terpaksa ambil tahu gak. And dia kata soalan ni confirm interviewer tu akan tanya. Since most of us takbaca paper taktengok berita. So he was really helpful. THANKS ABANG FACI !
Then I just realized that I forgot to bring surat beranak parents. Serious nak nangis ! Sobs ! HAHA But seriously memang gelabah ah. But luckily ada akak faci tu kata
''Itsokay Isnin nanti (today) fax kan kat akak.''
Akan ku ingat jasamu ~
When turn aku dah tiba. I entered this room. Ada dua orang interviewer nya. Duadua lecturer. Sorang tu laki looks like Malay. Another one is a female Chinese.
When turn aku dah tiba. I entered this room. Ada dua orang interviewer nya. Duadua lecturer. Sorang tu laki looks like Malay. Another one is a female Chinese.
The whole conversation was also in English.
That guy minta semua dokumen which aku dah kemaskemas susun dalam fail. So I gave him the file. But suddenly dia cam tinggikan suara and said
''''I nak documents saje taknak fail ni. You separatekan. Asal takasingkan siapsiap ? Faci tu taksuruh eh ?''
Aku pun ikut je la ~
Then aku bagitahu la yang sorry aku lupa bawa surat beranak parents. Now si perempuan tu lak cam tinggi suara and said
''No ! You MUST bring the documents. Or else I cant interview you.''
Aku pun explained yang akak faci tu dah kata nanti Isnin boleh fax kan kat dia. So she said ''Alright then''.
''No ! You MUST bring the documents. Or else I cant interview you.''
Aku pun explained yang akak faci tu dah kata nanti Isnin boleh fax kan kat dia. So she said ''Alright then''.
Semua ni saje je nak gertak aku ni. Aku chill. Tapi nervous gila ! So aku awalawal bagitahu.
''Sorry if I look nervous. I am but excited at the same time. And actually I'm really hungry ! Usually I ate heavy food in the morning but I just had horlicks because I was rushing to get here.'' HAHAHA But because of that. Tersasul gak BM BI aku =,=
P = Interviewer perempuan
L = Interviwer laki
M = Me
L : Tell me about yourself.
P : Who's the Chief Minister of Penang ?
M : Lim Guan Eng
P : Very good. Who's the Minister of Transportation ?
M : Tan Sri Hishamuddin
P : Very good. Who's the Minister of Health ?
Ni aku kantoi ! Takexpect soalan ni ! But kawan kata kalau taktahu jawapan jawab je TAKTAHU dengan CONFIDENT !
M : I dont know what's his name but I'm very sure its a man and a Chinese.
P : Yes its a man but no he's a malay. Well itsokay.
L : Whats the current issues that happening in the country ?
Nasib baik in country. So aku pun story la pasal isu gengster tu. Polis isytiharkan perang habishabisan and ada Ops Cantas. Gengster semua nak lari to Thailand but ramai kena tahan gak. And semua nak tukar tatu untuk confuse kan polis.
P : Very good. Now give me one group of gangster.
HALAMAK ! Ni pun aku taktahu ! But nasib baik time tu terlintas kat otak. Ada 1 contengan kat dinding sekolah ayat ''GANG 69''. So aku jawab je lah Geng 69.
P : Very good.
That vandalism has saved me ! THANK YOU to whoever yang conteng dinding tu ! HAHAHA
Then dia start borak.
''Y'know at my son's school ah got gangster. But only form 2 one woah. Still a kid already want to enter gangster group. If they dont like you they'll call you and ask for money. Teachers are all very scared and cant do a thing cuz they have a gangster group. BLABLABLABLABLABLABLA''
At first aku ingat dia nak borak ni like a good sign la dia selesa nak berborak dengan aku. But then I realized.
''What if this conversation is also a test ? Maybe to test aku boleh interact dengan diorang ?''
So aku pun join la the conversation.
''Really ?! Just form 2 already be a gangster ?! What are they thinking ?! Whats happening to the kids these days ?! BLABLABLABLABLA''
Dia nak aku sembang kencang. I gave them sembang kencang. HAHAHA
And finally.
P : Alright I think I got no more question for you. You may leave now.
L : Wait. I have one last question for you. What did you do selama you tak study ni ?
At first aku nak bagitahu yang aku kerja handle baucer BR1M and baucer buku kat BSN dulu tu. But then terfikir. Kang dia tanya pasal baucer BR1M and president of BSN ke apa lagi lak kan. Elokelok the interview is about to end kang sambung lagi.
M : I helped my mom with her works'
Time introduction tu aku mention that my mom is a tailor.
P : WOW So you can sew ah ? Baju melayu baju kurung ?
M : A lil bit only la I'm still an amateur.
So begitu la interview nya tamat ~ FUUUUUUHH ~!
Then aku masuk balik to bilik berkumpul tadi. Diorang semua tanya how was it apa soalan dia tanya semua la. Aku pun story lah.
Diorang takpuas hati. Sebab diorang semua kena tanya soalan gila punya killer. Soalan berduyunduyun lak tu kena tembak. Masingmasing kena soalan lainlain.
''Sape PM Mesir, PM Syria, PM Jepun, PM Thailand, apa jadi kat Nagasaki, Malaysia VS Singapore dulu berapa score, sape coach sukan itu ini, sape Chancellor, Pro Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of UiTM, sape Dekan Fakulti Masscom kat UiTM sape sultan Perak, sape 2 orang PM yang lahir kat Kedah and BLABLABLABLABLA"
I'm not sure if I was just lucky. Or interviewer tu yang dah malas nak layan aku. Sobs.
Anyway. Seriously. Semua candidates sangatsangat HOT ! HAHAHA Semua dress up smart, branded, up to date, ada fashion sense and looks sophisticated, confident and charismatic. The way diorang talk pun superb. And mostly ada experiences in this kind of stuff before. Like dulu kat sekolah ada masuk kelab majalah or kewartawanan and stuffs.
I dont know if I'm really layak bagitahu ni ke tak. But based on my experience sehari tu. To those yang nak pergi interview masscom nanti. Here're some tips for you.
- DO YOUR HOMEWORK ! Usha blogs, tengok soalan bocor and google or ask people either budak masscom or just sapesape for their opinion for the answers. Then practice tulis jawapan and hafal. List menteri kabinet, sultan, perdana menteri, chancellor, pro chancellor Uni, dekan fakulti masscom kat Uni, all those stuffs kena hafal gak.
- ALERT WITH THE CURRENT ISSUES ! Seminggu sebelum interview tu beli la newspapers harihari and tengok la berita pagi tengahari and malam. Sounds painful but bear with it ! Seminggu je pun.
- DRESS TO IMPRESS ! There is never a second chance for first impression. So dress up smart cun habis kasi nampak profesionalisme tu. But jangan la over sangat like make up over or ah you get it. Etika pemakaian kena follow. Google for the proper dress code.
- BE CONFIDENT ! As my friend kata, taktahu apa jawapan for the question, jawab je dengan penuh confident, TAKTAHU. Jangan ERM or ERRR. Jawab tu pandang mata interviewer. Nervous tu biasa. But try to overcome it or control it.
- BREAKFAST ! Kalau korang jenis yang kena sarapan like me la. Yang dah biasa takbreakfast tu takpayah maybe. Takut kang sakit perut lak time interview.
- BE POLITE ! Ketuk pintu sebelum masuk, bagi salam kalau interviwer Islam, salam tangan kalau interviewer mahram, tanya ''may I seat here ?'' jangan main duduk je. Interviewer akan cuba provoke but dont lose your cool.
- SEMBANG KENA KENCANG ! Abang faci tu kata nak jawab interview ni kena pandai cakap. Cakap je asalkan make sense and bukan loyar buruk. Jangan jujur sangat ! Like kalau dia tanya why choose masscom and you jawab because ni last choice you and you sebenarnya takminat pun masscom and kau pi kata camtu. Interviewer akan bash kau. Unless you're not so desperate nak sambung study. Kalau hal pasal background kau bantai je lah. Like kau boleh kata yang kau ada blog selalu share macammacam kat situ. Padahal kau takde blog pun. Bukan dia tahu kau tipu ke tak.
- DOA ! Doa supaya dipermudahkan urusan kau di dunia dan akhirat. Doa supaya kau diberi segala yang terbaik di dunia dan akhirat. Doa supaya interviewer tu baikbaik and tanya soalan senangsenang. Doa supaya otak kau ligat pantas fikir jawapan bernas. Doa supaya kau tenang nak jawab. Do your best and let Allah do the rest.
Overall. ALHAMDULILLAH Everything's fine.
So now I let Allah do the rest. And pray for the best.
In Shaa Allah :)