Thursday, May 2, 2013



Last Wed I went to Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 2013 at PWTC with my cousins, Zaty and his lil bro, Irfan. Untuk budak nerd pencinta buku macam saya ni. Annual event seperti ini adalah aktiviti tahunan yang wajib dihadiri !

Went there by KTM from Bangi to KL Sentral then switched to LRT to Masjid Jamek and switch lagi to PWTC. On the way kat dalam KTM tu terdengar la budakbudak dalam tu kata yang actually boleh je straight pergi PWTC by KTM. Turun kat Putra but kena jalan sikit la baru sampai PWTC. I didnt know that. So thanks kids !

Since Rabu tu was 1 Mei, Hari Pekerja, so it was no surprise la memang ramai gila umat yang membanjiri PWTC tu. Semalam tengok Wanita Hari Ini (errr my mom actually. I join sama je) katanya around 100, 000 orang yang datang. PERGH ! Thats great though. One of the effective ways to menanam minat membaca dan cintai ilmu dalam kalangan masyarakat. I'm so proud of you Malaysians !

But still. Sesak gila woih ! Most of the times aku terstuck takgerakgerak. Paling lama kat booth GempakStarz ! Almost 5 minit aku dalam keadaan statik. I bet every year booth tu yang paling banyak untung. 

Anyway aku berjaya beli comics ini ! HOYEAH !

Kijiya 5 - 9 by Zint

Maid Maiden Monday - Sunday by Kaoru

Got this 3 awesome bags for FREE !

Ameen Edu Care comics. Komik Jom Bijak Belajar tu actually for my adik yang malas belajar Nauzubillah. Thought could give him more semangat nak study. Somehow. Another 2 tu bercirikan penyiasatan. My fav genre ! Bukubuku ni seriously sangatsangat bagus ! Bukan je dia dalam bentuk komik which is more fun. But pack with fakta and sains. Isnt that great ? Suits kids really well ! Just RM7 each !

 The Lawak Kampus : Friends Edition ! 
Special sempena Lawak Kampus 10th Anniversary !

Taksedar aku dah 10 tahun rupanya Lawak Kampus wujud. Tunggu la duit ada lebih sikit. Baru boleh complete kan full set Lawak Kampus. Beratur nak tunggu Keith sign autograph tu punya la panjang. But saya pandai. Saya suruh adik saudara saya tu yang beratur. While saya merayap tempat lain MUEHEHE Excited gila time ni !  


Keith drew me this ! Special limited edition woooooo !

  Le me with Keith ! Pelukis komik Lawak Kampus !

Thanks so much Keith for mewarnai seni tanah air dengan lawak anda yang always different and up-to-date for 10 years ! Keep on making us LOL ! Malaysia needs you ! Ganbatte !

So total I spent RM105 for the books. Bajet ah awal tu kata taknak beli apaapa nak saving. Nasib baik dah prepare duit. Takdapat ah beli buku lain T_________T But I'll shop till I drop at the next Big Bad Wolf Books Fair ! If dia nak buat lagi la.

*Ada gak Zain Saidin and Amran Ismail haritu. Zaty je la yang excited. But aku nak Izzue Islam and Heliza Helmi ! But they were absent on that day. I guess ? Takde rezeki.